


然而,这些政策实际上影响很小,没有得到经常的实施。缺乏对政府组织和管理的适当规范是中国卫生服务质量低下的另一个原因(Gao et al ., 2001)。对于那些需要多重护理的病人,缺乏协调的护理。不同的政府机构在提供医疗服务方面并没有发挥有效的作用和作出有效的规定。中国医院认证工作始于1989年。由于同样的原因,有许多检查,包括科学管理,病人的安全和服务质量。这项认可并没有在所有地区都得到适当的执行,在同样的地区也存在着谨慎。私营部门医院的缺乏是医疗条件差的另一个原因。政府诊所和医院对患者来说一般都不够好。在许多地区,没有私营医院。医疗保健中心管理不善是另一个原因。
研究发现,大多数服务提供者是在乡镇一级聘用的,传统服务由政府拥有(Eggleston et al, 2008)。因此,他们对工作人员的选择、雇用、解雇和薪酬率的控制非常少。因此,正式或长期工作人员的配额是根据政府作出的决定。然而,当雇佣合同员工时,机构必须雇佣员工,并承担支付员工工资和其他福利的全部责任(Scheid et al, 2002)。这是医疗保健的双重性质。一方面,政府在服务中发挥作用,病人所接受的金额,另一方面不参与合同员工的支付。造成医疗保健不良的其他一些因素是在许多地区已经观察到的医院管理方面的地方试验。这可能包括选择外包支助服务的管理人员和工作人员的人数。这种实验并不总是成功的,并可能导致糟糕的医疗保健。


However, there policies actually had a very less impact and had been not brought in regular practice. Lack of proper regulation on the organization and the management by the government is another reason for the poor health services in China (Gao et al, 2001). There is a lack of coordinated care for the patients who want multiple cares. The different government organizations have not taken effective roles and regulations in the delivery of healthcare services. The accreditation of the Chinese hospitals was established in year 1989. Because of the same, there are a number of checks including the scientific management, safety of patients and service quality. This accreditation is not implemented properly in all the regions and there is discretion observed in the same. Lack of private sector hospitals in many reasons is another reason for the poor healthcare. The government clinics and hospitals are generally not good enough for the patients. In many regions, there are no private sector hospitals.Poor management at the healthcare centers is another reason for the same.
It has been found that most of the service providers are hired at the township level with traditional services owned by the government (Eggleston et al, 2008). Thus, they have a very less control over the process of selection, hiring, firing and the rate of compensation for the staff. Thus the quota for the formal or permanent staff is based on the decisions made by the government. Nevertheless, when the hiring is done for the contract staff, the institution has to hire the people and have the full responsibility for paying their salaries and other benefits (Scheid et al, 2002). This is dual nature in healthcare. On one hand, government plays the role in the services and the amount received by the patients and on the other than do not participate in the payment of the contractual staff. Some other factors responsible for poor healthcare are the local experimentations in the hospital management which has been observed in a number of areas. This may include making the selection for the number of managers and staffs for the outsourcing of the support services. This experimentation is not always successful and can lead to poor healthcare.
