


卡尔(1995)在她的著作《多伦多建筑师埃德蒙·伯克:重新定义加拿大建筑》中所讨论的基督教青年会建筑的建设表明,对该建设有相当多的批评。该建筑是由美国建筑师进行的,他们在建设期间缺乏对多伦多发展的城市理想的理解(Carr, 1995)。目前,该建筑的功能元素也受到了顾客的蔑视。在这样的背景下,绿色屋顶将对建筑具有美学和功能上的吸引力。美学吸引力:位于永格尔街GTA潜在的拥挤区域,绿色屋顶的开发将是顾客的理想选择。他们可以在绿色的屋顶上散步。绿色屋顶也将增加建筑对建筑附近其他商业、工作场所和住宅场所的审美吸引力。功能性:这里要满足的一个主要功能元素是建筑的冷却。研究表明,在高度拥挤的地区,建筑物的通风经常受到影响,在这种情况下,建筑物的冷却是不经济的。绿色屋顶将有助于缓解这个问题。

本文分析了大面积绿色屋顶的实施。基督教青年会位于一个高商业区,它将是经济的建立与广泛的绿色屋顶一次,而不是移动形式密集到广泛的绿色屋顶。因此,本报告的目的是提出如何为基督教青年会安装绿色屋顶,在永吉,GTA地区。本文分析了基督教青年会永格街建筑设置绿色屋顶的可行性。报告的范围仅限于了解绿色屋顶将如何受益,以及可以为基督教青年会建立的绿色屋顶的形式。它的范围受到限制,因为它不是更全面的。目前正在考虑的项目是为GTA Yonge的基督教青年会建筑实施一个绿色屋顶。大多伦多基督教青年会是一个非盈利组织,大楼由管理层共同拥有。考虑的绿色屋顶是广泛的多样性,在那里,公众和顾客可以使用屋顶观光。青瓦台的管理团队将负责青瓦台的维修工作。屋顶草甸公司将与分包商合作安装绿色屋顶。


The YMCA building construction as discussed by Carr (1995) in her book “Toronto Architect Edmund Burke: Redefining Canadian Architecture” indicates that there has been considerable criticism on the construction. The construction was carried out by American architects who lacked understanding on the urban ideals of developing Toronto in the time of the construction (Carr, 1995). At present the building has also come under the contempt of patrons for functional elements. Given this context, the Green Roofing will have aesthetic and functional appeal for the building.Aesthetic Appeal: Situated in the potentially congested area in GTA on the Yonge Street, the development of a Green Roof will be ideal for the patrons. They would be able to take a walk around the Green Roof. The green roof will also increase the aesthetic appeal of the building to the other business, workplace and residential sites near the building.Functional: A primary functional element that would be met here is the cooling of the building. Research studies note that buildings in highly congested area often suffer in terms of ventilation and the building cooling would not be economical in this context. The Green roof will help in alleviating this problem.

The implementation of an extensive green roof is analyzed in this work. Situated in a high commercial area, it would be economical for the YMCA building to be set up with an extensive green roof at once, rather than move form intensive to an extensive green roof. The purpose of this report is to hence present the ways a green roof can be installed for the YMCA in Yonge, GTA area. The feasibility of setting up a Green Roof in the YMCA building at Yonge Street is analyzed in this report. The report scope is restricted to understanding how the green roof will benefit, and the form of green roof that could be set up for the YMCA. The scope is restricted in that it is not more comprehensive. The project being considered is the implementation of a Green roof for the YMCA building in Yonge, GTA. The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a non-profit organization and the building is co-owned by the management. The Green roofing being considered is that of the extensive variety where the public and the patrons would be able to use the roofing for sightseeing. The YMCA management team will carry out the maintenance of the Green Roofing. The Roof Meadow Corporation in collaboration will install the green roof itself with their subcontracted builders.