


为了做出这些决定,作者Hacker & Pierson列举了几个次要的数据资源。作者以统计趋势和现有文献的形式对数据进行了分析。在这种情况下进行初步研究是不可行的,因为它不会分析确切的趋势。作者利用政府数据和历史数据进行分析,并将其纳入背景、关键挑战和确定的根本原因。


例如,通过利用国会预算办公室(Hacker & Pierson 163)的数据,考虑到具体的趋势分析,比如820和99 – 20的比率和后税收和转移收入,作者是如何计算和分析的。这有助于读者与黑客& Pierson的论点背后的中立性和事实联系起来。他们还利用图表和图表数据来进行分析,使工作更具可读性。在作品中有一种中立的语气。作者从本质上展示了这些数据,并允许观众自行决定事实。


To make these determinations, the authors Hacker & Pierson have cited several secondary resources of data. The data has been analyzed by the author in the form of both statistical trends, and existing literature discourses. It is not feasible to conduct primary research in this case, as it would not analyze the exact trends. The author has used reputed government data and historic data to make an analysis and also to bring into context, the key challenges and the root cause of a determination.

For instance, considering how specific trend analysis such as eighty-twenty and ninety-nine–twenty ratios and post-tax-and-transfer income have been calculated and analyzed by the author by making use of data from the Congressional Budget Office (Hacker & Pierson 163). This helps the reader connect with the neutrality and fact behind Hacker & Pierson’s arguments. They have also made use of graphs and depicted data in a tabular form to make the analysis which makes the work more readable. There is a tone of neutrality that is observed in the works. The author essentially presents the data and allows the audience to make their own determination of the facts.