
personal statement 怎么写:自拍

personal statement 怎么写:自拍

自拍的现象和文化被认为是一种独特的自我表达方式,它鼓励制作者与周围的世界分享他们最难忘的时刻,分享他们生命中的每一刻(Warfield, 2014)。无论是在公共场合还是在私人场合,自拍的热潮都让人们进行创造性的自我塑造。自拍也以“网络自恋的肤浅表现”而闻名,因为它受到了世界各地人们的赞扬和谴责。尽管如此,自拍作为人们最有效地自我定义的一种方式,正迅速走红。自拍是一种影像图像,它提醒人们,通过这种技术形成的非正式的自画像,成为每一个逝去的幸福时刻的永恒表达。自拍照或自画像,由梵高或卢西安·弗洛伊德创作时,被看作是一种机制,通过它可以检验自我的许多层面。
自拍是一种自发的拍照姿势,它总是作为一种工具,用来解释身处“我在这里,我很快乐”这种地方时的瞬间想法。自拍创作者必须时刻警惕变态者和恋童癖者,因为他们会在网站上给他们制造麻烦,这可能会损害自拍创作者的公众形象。自拍文化正在采取一种革命性的行动,以获取个人及其由家人和朋友组成的社交圈的自传信息。杜伦大学(Durham University)专攻数字社交网络的讲师玛丽安·哈迪(Mariann Hardey)博士表示,“自拍正在革命性地改变我们收集关于自己和朋友的自传信息的方式”(Nguyen, 2014)。自拍是一个人在私人和公共领域重写自己的一种方式,通过这种方式,个人扩展了他们对自我的自然构建,因为自拍就是以最好的方式展现自己。

personal statement 怎么写:自拍

The phenomenon and culture of selfie is considered as an exclusive means of self-expression that encourages its makers to share their most memorable and say each moment of their lives with the world around them (Warfield, 2014). The craze of selfie both in public and private spheres engages individuals in creative self-fashioning of themselves. Selfie is also famous as a “shallow expression of online narcissism”, as it is acclaimed and reviled by the individuals all over the world. Still the popularity of Selfie is flourishing at a rapid speed as a form with which the individuals can most effectively self-define themselves. The selfies are the photomatic images that act as a reminder of the informal self-portrait formed through the technology that becomes an everlasting expression of each passing blissful moment. Selfie or the self-portrait, when created by Van Gogh or say by Lucien Freud, is seen as a mechanism through which many layers of self are examined.
The selfies are the spontaneous photographic gesture that has always acted as a tool for explaining the momentary thoughts of being at a place like “I am here, and I am happy”. The selfie creators must always be beware of the perverts and pedophiles as they can create problems for them in online sites, which can hamper public image of the selfie creators.The selfie culture is taking a revolutionary act for attaining autobiographical information of the individuals and their social circles consisting of family and friends. According to a lecturer Dr Mariann Hardey of Durham University with specializing in the digital social networks, “The Selfie is revolutionizing how we gather autobiographical information about ourselves and our friends” (Nguyen, 2014). Selfie is a way with which an individual rewrites about himself both at private and public spheres with which individuals extend their natural construction of self, as selfie is all about presenting oneself in the best way.