personal statement 代写:个人饮食习惯随着年龄和意识的变化而变化


personal statement 代写:个人饮食习惯随着年龄和意识的变化而变化


personal statement 代写:个人饮食习惯随着年龄和意识的变化而变化

Creole et al (2001) conducted 25 focus group interviews. These focus groups consisted of 203 girls and boys from three different high schools and junior schools. It was determined in this analysis that significant amount of knowledge regarding healthy food choices were understood by the people and yet they continued to consume food that are unhealthy. There is lack of time, limited choice availability and a complacent attitude regarding the food choices that lead to the people to make unhealthy food choices. The article considers a number of external micro-environmental factors that impede people from making food choices which are healthy. There is a general complacent attitude that has been explained in this analysis.The research aides in the pointing of important factors that impedes the people from making healthier choices in their food habits. The areas of strength of this research are that it considers the other micro familial issues and the general attitude of the society towards food choices and habits. There is an astute observation that people choose to develop food habits which are easier to handle rather than developing solutions. They have also identified the ways in which the individual food habits change with age and awareness.
The ideology of the younger people is astutely deciphered in this analysis.The future research should be aimed at making the concept of healthy eating important. There should be psychological analysis done to incite passion in young people to eat healthy. Innovative measures should be designed to consume healthy foods for the younger population in the lower socio economic group. More often, the people in the lower income group are not able to get access to healthy foods. There should be more intervention and governmental support to make the people have access to eating healthy foods. It is observed that the people choose to make food choices in spite of the level of awareness. The next step by the healthy practitioners should involve the ways to incorporate good food habits in the people by developing easier access to the foods. Growing organic foods easily and consuming food that are less processed should be the focal point of future research. Innovation and empathy should be the primary factors in consideration. Hence, the future research must be about the ways to easily accommodate good food choices for the people by innovative measures.