


沃达丰被政府正式选中,推出其雄心勃勃的农村宽带计划(RBI),到2015年,沃达丰几乎覆盖了约28万个场所,其中10.2万个是连接的(“沃达丰新西兰- BuddeComm”,2016)。现在,沃达丰正计划推出超高速宽带网络/RBI,这又是一个非常有野心的项目,沃达丰最有可能获得巨大的市场份额,并使其服务为新西兰所有农村地区所知。当政府官方选择该品牌来实现大规模扩张的野心时,这表明该品牌已经成功地与政府和该国公民建立了值得信赖和忠诚的关系(Kotler & Armstrong, 2006)。这是一个很好的机会,使其采取行动,以加强其在市场上的品牌资产,并建立一个坚实的基础,其持久和主导的星火产业,特别是语音数据呼叫和宽带服务。


These services are changing over time and the introduction of 4G network is a recent development with the support of spectrum from the government. The offering of the company is unique and covers all aspects of the daily profession, business, and personal requirement of individuals and companies. The offerings are in line with the competitors and the point of differentiation is what makes Vodafone as a preferred market brand, though Spark is not far behind in its market share which is at 37%. This indicates the company is more innovative in its product offerings and how does it manage to sustain its product offerings with market demand, and keep providing affordable services of voice data services. Mobile phones is becoming a non-negotiable instrument for all individuals, including rural households which is a great opportunity for Vodafone to capture more market share with a deeper focus on rural regions. The rise in the connectivity demand among all is also supporting its demand for providing mobile broadband to all Vodafone phone users.
Vodafone was officially chosen by the government to roll out its ambitious Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI) and by 2015 Vodafone has almost covered about 280,000 premises out of which 102,000 were connected (“Vodafone New Zealand – BuddeComm”, 2016). Now it is planning to roll out the Ultra-Fast Broadband Network/RBI which is again a very ambitious project and Vodafone has the best chance of capturing a large market share, and making its services known to all the rural regions of New Zealand. When the brand is selected by the government authorities for fulfilling the ambitions of major expansion, it indicates that the brand has succeeded in its efforts of building a trustworthy and loyal relationship with the government and with the citizens of the country (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006). This is a great opportunity for it to make a move to step up its efforts in enhancing the brand equity in the market and establish a solid foundation for its permanence and dominance in the Spark industry, especially the voice data calls and broadband services.