




This observation may be formal or informal, but the teaching will create a learning environment anytime anywhere. In general, the general education provides the learning foundation for the university education. With the intention to spread the enlightenment and perspectives with every aspect of major disciples in students with respect to science, social studies, various arts and finally humanitarian studies. During the time of observation, the combination of critical thinking and writing will occur. The teaching and interactive learning methodology with observation will help the students to get several improvements and developments in lifelong skills, which are none other than the critical thinking and writing. The General Education is the central part of the university education, where students have the necessity to create awareness among them in a complex universe to draw upon several multiple points of views. Here, the students could acquire knowledge of diverse disciplinary and cultural perspectives and comparing skills. These comparisons could help them to compare, contrast, apply, and to communicate effectively with several perspectives in tasks that are more appropriate for the particular courses.