


这是一部犯罪剧情片,主要的主角都在为同一个故事线发表观点。这是一种有趣的情节叙事,让观众从不同的角度去思考,用不同的表达方式去表达同样的意思。在这个分析中,虽然电影的主要叙事主题属于黑色电影类别,但是电影的编排方式说明了它们在类型和表现方式上的差异。通常,在法国黑色电影中,神圣马达也可以用于这方面。《神圣汽车》由Leo Carax执导,2012年在法国上映。在这个故事中,主角在没有录像的情况下,向人们展示不同的化身。

故事情节的叙事元素对于普通人来说是难以置信的,是基于现实的。这也是一部黑色电影,导演们向黑色电影的制作风格致敬,并加入了一些元素,使之成为自己的风格。在电影《神圣的汽车》中,很明显,主要人物选择表达不同的观点,但有趣的是,黑暗的一面也被探索(Altman, 1996)。由此可以理解基于这两个变量的叙事主题偏离主题的方式。这为电影制作人提供了丰富的电影技术方面的知识。


This is a crime drama film where the main protagonists are giving out points of views for the same story line. This is interesting plot narrative that makes the viewers factor in different perspectives and alternative expressions for the same meaning. In this analysis, even though the main narrative theme of the movies falls under the film noir category, the ways in which the movie is arranged explains the difference in their genre and in their methods of presentation. Typically, in the French noir films, Holy motors can also be used in this aspect. Holy Motors movie was directed by Leo Carax and released in France 2012. In this story the main protagonist essays different avatars to the people in absence of any video recording.

The narrative elements of the storyline are incredulous for the common people and based on reality. This is also a noir film where the directors play homage to the noir style of film making and adding elements to make it their own. In the movie “Holy motors”, it is evident that the main characters choose to express different viewpoints but interestingly the dark side has also been explored (Altman, 1996). From this the ways in which the same narrative themes are digressed based on these two variables can be understood. This provides the filmmaker with a wealth of knowledge about the technical aspects of the cinema.