


本研究旨在了解电子商务的不同方面,并了解消费者对企业的价值。作业分为绪论和结语七个部分。特易购爱尔兰是超级市场巨头特易购国际的爱尔兰分支。根据2015年进行的最新研究,特易购在爱尔兰的食品杂货市场占据了约28.5%的市场份额。特易购爱尔兰公司于2001年10月以特易购的域名将其消费者服务提升至电子商务。即提供整个爱尔兰最方便和最接近的电子商务网站(Tesco)。例如,2016)。在2014 – 15的时期,该公司已预计的收入€29.9亿,其中23%是网络/电子商务业务。竞争环境和关键市场趋势。波特的五种力量分析:波特的五种力量分析是通过买方力量、供应力量、竞争、替代和对新进入者的威胁来理解和评估行业内的竞争环境。波特的五种力量分析也有助于综合适当的战略,需要实施,以获得行业中更有竞争力的优势(Smith, 2010)。买方力量:在爱尔兰市场,买方力量相对较高。自经济衰退以来,消费者寻求非品牌和打折产品的比例急剧上升,这增加了超市行业特别是乐购爱尔兰超市的购买力(Ted, 2015)。


供应能力:特易购爱尔兰(Tesco Ireland)拥有强大的购买力,这反过来又使其供应商获得尽可能少的报酬。因此,供应商对Tesco各种产品的议价能力相对较低。竞争对手:对于特易购(Tesco Ireland)来说,竞争非常激烈,尤其是在网络和零售市场上。最新的调查报告显示,特易购的市场力量已经压倒了爱尔兰的Dunnes商店。替代品:如今,在零售市场上,特易购爱尔兰(Tesco Ireland)并不是唯一一家,还有其他几家大公司和小公司,它们可以被认为是该公司的完美替代品,包括Lidl和Aldi。对新进入者的威胁:进入超级市场行业的门槛相对较低,因为高成本和工业巨头之间几乎存在寡头竞争。由于这个原因,新进入者,它变得极具挑战性。关键的市场趋势:关键的演进的市场趋势包括,消费者对便利性的不断增长的需求正在改变线上和线下企业的策略(Seymor, 2016)。消费者对新鲜有机食品的需求日益增长,因此这是超市行业出现的最新趋势之一。对低价和打折产品的不断增长的需求保证了质量(Philip,2016)。


The study has been developed to understand different aspects of e-business and to understand the value of consumers to a business. The assignment is divided into seven parts including introduction and conclusion. Tesco Ireland is the Irish wing of the supermarket giant Tesco international. According to the latest study conducted in 2015, Tesco Ireland dominates the grocery market in Ireland about 28.5%. Started as a Supermarket chain in the initial period, now Tesco Ireland have enhanced its consumer service to even e-commerce on the October of 2001 in the domain name of Tesco.ie, providing the most convenient and most approached e-commerce site in the whole of Ireland (Tesco.ie, 2016). At the period of 2014-15, the company had estimated revenue of €2.99 Billion in which 23% of them were from the online/e-commerce business. Competitive Environment and Key Market Trends.Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is used to understand and evaluate the competitive environment within an industry through Buyer Power, Supply Power, Rivalry, Substitutes and Threats to New Entrants. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis also help in synthesizing appropriate strategies that need to implemented in order to acquire more competitive edge in the industry (Smith, 2010). Buyer power: The buyer power is comparably higher when it comes to Irish Market. Since the recession the consumer seeking products which are non-branded and discounted are tremendously increasing in its percentage, and this increased buyer power among the supermarket industry especially of Tesco Ireland (Ted, 2015).

Supply Power: Tesco Ireland has one of the powerful buying rates that in turn make the paying to its suppliers as minimum as possible. Hence, the suppliers bargaining power over the Tesco’ various products are comparably low. Rivalry: For Tesco Ireland, the rivalry is very high, especially when it comes to both online as well as retail market. The latest survey report suggests that the Tesco Market power has now overpowered Dunnes stores in Ireland. Substitutes: Today Tesco Ireland is not alone in the market when it comes to retail, there are several other giants and also small players which can count as a perfect substitute for the organization, and this includes Lidl and Aldi. Threats to New Entrants: The barrier to entry is comparably low into the supermarket industry due to the high cost and the presence of almost oligopolistic competition between the industrial giants. For this reason for a new entrant, it has become extremely challenging. Key Market Trends:The key evolving market trends involves, The growing demand of convenience from the consumers are changing the strategies of both online and offline businesses (Seymor, 2016).The growing demand of fresh and organic food among the consumers, hence this one of the latest trends to emerge in the supermarket industry. The growing demand for low priced and discounted products which ensure quality (Philip,2016).