


桑德斯也使用了博伊德的对比得出结论,悉尼有一个休闲的心情和一个非常活泼的人文建筑风格的方法。他把重点放在通过对1960建筑如加泽德教堂对“向后看”的方法对悉尼,rushcutter和纽卡斯尔大学城的房子。考克斯描述“悉尼学派”作为一种媒介回去白话,这意味着一个国内建筑设计的质量功能因为它使得使用“开放空间和变截面和木材,砖,玻璃和其他天然材料也。考克斯 管理细节的进步观点的悉尼学校的坚果和浆果离开毫无疑问它的存在。另一方面,珍妮佛泰勒把这个概念与发展悉尼地域建筑和推断它平衡的庇护和定位的要求。她指出,改变外表面的外观变得崎岖和内部变得复杂和残酷。



Saunders too made use of Boyd’s contrasting approach to conclude that Sydney has a casual mood and a very lively and humanist style of architecture. He kept his focus on analysing the ‘backward looking’ approach of Sydney by studying post-1960 buildings such as Gazzard’s chapel, town houses of Rushcutter and New Castle University. Cox describes ‘The Sydney School’ as a medium to go back to the vernacular which implies a domestic and functional quality in architectural design since it makes the use of ‘open spaces and varied sections’ and timber, brick, glass and other natural materials as well. Cox manages to detail the progressive view of ‘The Sydney School’ of ‘Nuts and Berries’ leaving no doubt about its existence. On the other hand, Jennifer Taylor links this concept with the development of regional architecture in Sydney and infers that it balances the requirement of shelter and location. She points out the change by mentioning the outer appearance becoming rugged and internal becoming complex and brutal.

Thus we conclude that ‘The Sydney School’ architecture was concentrated on designing houses in congruency with the environment, economy, climate and functional approach. It adhered to the principle of creating a real expression of structure and using natural elements such as timer, brick etc. But due to lack of methodological discipline and the varied assumptions and interpretations of its evolution and development, ‘The Sydney School’ definition is not yet concretely formalised and is expected to undergo several architectural developments with the change in social and economic trends.