




Public Interest Theory is a theory of economics considering that there is supply of regulation for responding to the demand placed by the public for correcting inequitable or inefficient practices of market. The theory was developed by Arthur Cecil Pigou. The initial assumption is that regulation is for benefitting the society on the whole increased of specifically vested interests. There is a consideration of regulatory body for representing each and every interest of the society, within which key operations are conducted instead of the private interests of each and every regulator. The assumption of this theory is that there is extreme aptness and fragility in the markets for operating with extreme equity and efficiency. If it is left on its own, it turns out to be inequitable and inefficient. There is an assumption that the government can be considered as a neutral arbiter. The view of public interest theory perceives that governments are responsible for regulating banks for the facilitation of efficient functions by banks via the amelioration of failures in the market.
This is crucial for benefitting from the wider civil society. In the field of banking, there will be serving of public interest if there is allocation of resources by banking systems. This is done perceiving social efficiency to minimize variance and maximize output, and well performance of other finances or functions. The theory perceives that regulators consider finding situations of the market that have economic efficiency. The key argument is that the power of the market across organizations must have some control in imperfect competitive markets. When considering natural monopolies, there is a necessary consideration of regulations for lowering prices and increasing output. When considering oligopolistic markets, organizations tend to prefer regulations for preventing the high intensity of competition.This theory further necessitates the regulation of organizations for guaranteeing that certain services and products are always available like telephone services, medical facilities, and electricity.
