


影子银行存在的一些最重要的解释包括货币、资本、税收和会计套利的总供给构成的创新,以及金融市场中的其他代理相关问题(Claessens, 2012)。根据Gorton and Metrick(2010)的观点,可以认为影子银行是货币总供给的金融创新。货币在经济中的作用是非常重要的,因为它不仅作为价值股票,而且作为交易所的一个单位。在1837年以前,订票费有很多限制。探索不同负债在何种程度上与影子银行相关,因为它构成了资产配置中的货币替代品(Sundream, 2012)。Sunderam的研究还表明,影子银行相关的负债也可能通过对2000年年中货币需求上升的探索来响应货币需求。此外,影子银行体系的发展也证实了其重要作用(Plantin, 2014)。影子银行活动一般是没有任何公共流动性和信用担保的银行中介活动。
Meton采用定价方法确定了与公共担保相关的价值。运用功能分析法,分析了金融中介机构对风险分担的反应。通过对基于市场的信贷中介的功能分析,对影子银行指令进行了全面的概述。他们的一些见解包括影子银行体系的地图。levtiin and Watcher(2011)定量评估了隐性担保对抵押贷款供应的作用。Acharya, Schnabl和Suarez(2011)也给出了2004年以来ABCP扩张的相关信息,这导致了资本规则的变化。该指示于2003年1月收到,并于12月更新。不过,银行业监管机构后来澄清,可以合并到资产负债表中的资产,将不作为衡量基于风险的资本的一部分。阿查里亚、施纳布尔和苏亚雷斯指出,大多数文件也得到了其他商业银行的支持,这些银行受到一些最严格的资本要求。


Some of the most important explanations of the existence of shadow banking include the innovation in the composition of aggregate supply of money, capital, tax and accounting arbitrage and the other agency related problems in financial markets (Claessens, 2012).According to the words of Gorton and Metrick (2010), it is possible to view that the shadow banking is a financial innovation of the aggregate supply of money. The role of money in the economy is very important as it not only acts as a stock of value but also as a unit for the exchange. Until 1837, there were numerous restrictions on the booking charges.The exploration of the extent with respect to which different liabilities can be related to shadow banking as it constitutes to the substitute of money in the allocation of assets (Sundream, 2012).It has also been shown by Sunderam that the liabilities related to shadow banking may also respond to the demand of money by doing the exploration of the rise in money demand in the mid 2000. Further, it is also confirmed that there is a significant role because of the growth of the shadow banking system (Plantin, 2014). Shadow banking activities are generally the banking intermediation activities which do not have any kind of public liquidity and guarantee for credit.
The values related to the public guarantee were identified by Meton by using the pricing approach. By the use of the functional approach,they analyzed the financial intermediaries who were in response to the risk sharing. Comprehensive overview of shadow banking instructions was given by the functional analysis of the credit intermediation based on market. Some of their insights comprised of the maps which are the part of the shadow banking system. The quantitative assessment of the role of implicit guarantee for the supply of mortgages was given by Levitiin and Watcher (2011).Acharya, Schnabl and Suarez (2011) also gave the information related to the expansion of ABCP since 2004 which resulted in the changes in the capital rules. A directive was then received in January 2003 and was updated in the directive in the month of December. However, the banking regulators later clarified that the assets which may be consolidated into the balance sheets will not be the part of measurement of the risk based capital. It was stated by Acharya, Schnabl and Suarez that the majority of documents were also supported by other commercial banks subject to some of the most stringent capital requirements.