


竹建筑规范中没有规定。计划于2000年由Jules Janssen在国际竹藤网(INBAR)上提供的非规范性代码模型,对广泛的批准产生了巨大的影响。该代码有助于分析柱,梁,桁架,复合垫和接头。 INBAR是测试竹子的标准,这是竹子品种比较测试结果困难的重要工作。美国夏威夷的竹科技公司的杰弗里·特鲁多(David Gerry Trudeau)和大卫金沙(David Sands)正在制定竹制统一标准标准,成功实现了铁水泥房屋静态框架建设规范。如果建筑官员接受信件接受设计师的设计和检查责任的未来项目(Dunkelberg,1985)。建筑和工程师的签名和盖章需要特别审查批准。规范性代码由当地设计界开发,以提供一致性的提交。美国预计将采用Janssen模式代码,并附有一些有助于允许在管辖权中批准的监管法规。竹结构已经通过现行法规的协议批准。

存在由拉丁美洲结构代表的侧向力量,如天花板需要通过在竹车床和天花板上的砂浆给出的修整。 1991年,詹森的20座房屋在哥斯达黎加的震中附近发生了7.5次地震(刘易斯,1998年)。重量轻的竹子吸引了侧面的力量,而不是黑暗的重量,是在周围的砖石建筑物造成的一些损害。另一种方法包括在美国的传统的捣实的钉扎接头。存在更多不可靠的证据,说明当更坚韧的混凝土结构不断失败时,幸存不受影响(Velez,1996)。具有直观工程和非优化接头的结构更有利于竹的弹性范围更好的弹性和柔韧性,并且在压缩或张力消除时变得变形。在完全压缩或张力模式下难以对其进行伤害,但仍不失败。


There is no provision in the codes for bamboo construction. The non-prescriptive code model given by Jules Janssen in the year of 2000 for International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) was planned and has vast impact on its extensive approval. This code helps in analysing columns, beam, trusses, composite mats and joints. The INBAR is the standard for testing bamboo which is an essential work because of difficulties in comparing testing results by various people and varieties of bamboo. There is Jeffree Trudeau and David Sands of Bamboo Technologies in Hawaii in the U.S. are working on Uniform Building Code standard for bamboo and successfully achieved the code of building a ferro-cement house static framework. If letter was accepted by the building officials talk about future projects that include responsibilities of designing and inspection in the hand of designer (Dunkelberg, 1985). The signature and stamp of architecture and engineer is required with special inspection for approval. The prescriptive code is developed by local design community to provide uniformity in submittals. U.S. is expected to adopt Janssen model code with step by step regulatory code that will help in allowing the approval in jurisdiction. The bamboo structures have been approved by agreement with current code.
Bamboo Ceiling Issues
There are lateral forces exist which is represented by the Latin American structures like ceiling requires trimming which is given by mortar on both bamboo-lathed wall and ceiling. In 1991, 20 houses of Janssen survived with 7.5 earthquakes near the epicentre at Costa Rica (Lewis, 1998). The light weight bamboo attracted for lateral forces than dark weight which was at surrounding masonry building which has sustained some damage. Another approach consists of conventional lashed pinned joints at America. There were more unreliable evidences exist that explained surviving unaffected when more tough concrete structure was failed continuously (Velez, 1996). The structure with intuitive engineering and non-optimized joints more advantage of more elasticity ranges of bamboo that was flexible and easily compressed and became in shape when compression or tension removed. It is difficult to harm them in full compression or tension mode and still not fail.