


为了了解是什么驱使他们的员工,IES,就业研究所,产生了一个员工敬业度的模型。该模型说明了价值感、参与感和参与感之间的更强联系。此外,对于模型,IES还提供了一种诊断工具,可以用来派生特定于组织的驱动程序。调查结果显示,不同的参与原因和驱动因素对每个组织都是普遍的忽视(CIPD, 2014)。然而,有些可变性是有可能的。每个司机或原因的力量,也有可能对公司的调查。(康威et al .,2015)


根据Claire等人(2005),参与的主要原因在于联系。拥有与他人有强烈个人联系的雇员的组织比不在场的员工有更高的参与率(CIPD, 2006)。为了与员工建立联系,雇主必须要建立起增强的信任,并忠实于其真实性。这使雇主成为伟大的领导者。凭借如此伟大的技能,他们能够通过额外的工作重点与员工进行深入的沟通,从而获得员工认为重要的东西(Conway et al., 2015)。


In order to know what drives their employees, IES, the Institute for employment studies, generated a model of employee engagement. The model illustrated stronger connection between valued sense, engaged and involved sense. Additionally, to the model, IES further also offers a tool of diagnostics that can be utilized for deriving drivers specific to organizations. The IES survey findings have suggested that various engagement causes and drivers are general for every organization disregard the sector (CIPD, 2014). There is however likeliness of some variability. Each driver’s or cause’s strength also has a likeliness of being contingent over the company under investigation.(Conway et al., 2015)

According to Claire et al. (2005), the key cause of engagement however lies in connection. Organizations having employees with strong personal connection to one other have high rates of employee engagement than the ones which are not present (CIPD, 2006). For connecting with the employees, it is essential for employers to undertake creation of enhanced trust and be loyal by having authenticity. This makes employer’s to be great leaders. With such greatness of skill, they are able to connect deeply with the members through additional focus being paid over what employees think is important (Conway et al., 2015).