




The differences in the language and communication differences are different among man and women and this phenomenon was identified approximately 250,000 years ago by scientist. The brain activity of man and women are different and this can be the basic reason for the differences in the language and communication. This difference was identified from the time when men were involved in the process of hunting. This skill of males was smart and about stalking and required creativity and cleverness. This limited the options of talking and focused more on the skill of hunting. This was the common practice of males and females were at home taking care of the children and communicating with them. Most of the time women are engaged in the activities of communication because they have the role of persuader and they had the responsibility to teach their children that required communication. This pattern was being followed and never changed. When the family was together they never had the time to communicate on the issues and the main interests revolved around sleeping, eating and sex. This pattern has changed to an extent in today’s world but the basic ideas and concepts of that time and the language differences are present from that time.