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English Language Leaners are defined as the students who are from non-English speaking background and hence are unable to communicate effectively in English. These are the students who need special attention in order to understand their academics. The English Language Learners are also known as Limited English Proficient in official documents. The common language which are spoken by these students are Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Amharic, and French etc. depending on their background (Calderón et al, 2011). In schools mostly all the instructions are given in English language and hence it becomes difficult for these students to understand the regular academics. This is the reason these students are enrolled in other set of programs which were especially designed for them. There are tests which assess the know-how of the student in English language. If the student get the required grades then he is no more called as an English Language Learner. Each and every school has its own criteria of grading the students.