


媒体在传播过程中扮演着重要的角色.。随着技术的进步和观众的期望,它已考虑整合营销传播策略极为重要(奥伯密勒,2002,pp. 41-52。)。这是实现营销活动目标的一种方法,它是通过各种促销手段的协调运用和相互强制的内涵来实现的。
这种方法被称为是涉及战略营销过程特别设计保证所有通讯策略和信息统一在每一个单一的渠道,是集中在个人目标(Roy,2012,pp. 651–662。)。这种方法实际上是用于允许的弱点被抵消了其他媒体的优势一个介质,与元素协同相互支持,以更大的创作产生的影响。
通信策略是一个具有起点和目的地的路线图.。工作的步骤来定义一个特定的策略使目的明确表示他们愿意为路径到达那里,他们应该带(Roy,2012,pp. 651–662。)。这一战略也应提供个人活动交流的一个清晰的框架,为确保每一个似乎都是解决一个特定的目标或需要和他们一起将解决与项目相关的整体需要进行的工作。然而,重要的是要知道为什么沟通是非常重要的?


Media is known to be playing a significant role in the process of communication. With the advancement of technology and expectations of the audience, it has been extremely important to consider integrated marketing communication strategy (Obermiller, 2002, pp. 41-52.). This is the approach used for the achievement of objectives related to campaign of marketing by the well- coordinated utilization of different methods of promotion with the intension of re- enforcing each other.
This type of an approach is known to be involving a strategic process of marketing particularly designed for ensuring that all strategies of communication and messaging are unified in each and every single channels and is known to be centralized across the individuals being targeted (Roy, 2012, pp. 651–662.). This method is practically used for allowing weakness the one medium to be offsetting the strengths of the other medium, with the elements being synergized for supporting each other and focusing on the creation of bigger impact.
For the purpose of “Raise Hope for Congo”, information focused communication strategy has been chosen that will involve the distribution of related and promotional stickers, buttons, and t- shirts, along with the effect of celebrity involved. The main purpose of this paper is focused on understanding this communication strategy while having knowledge about the issues involved.
Information Based Communication Strategy
A communication strategy is specifically a roadmap having a starting point along with a destination. Working by the steps for defining a specific strategy enables a purpose for stating clearly what they are willing to do, the paths in order to get there, and who they should be taking along (Roy, 2012, pp. 651–662.). This particular strategy should also be providing a coherent framework for individual activities of communication, for ensuring that each and every one of them seems to be addressing a particular target or/and need and together they will be performing work for addressing the overall needs related to the project. However, it is important to know that why communication is extremely important?