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Both macroeconomic level factors and firm level factors will affect the capital structure decisions on a firm. At this point, to understand the business risk for instance, will be to understand a macroeconomic factor that affects structuring as presented from the industrial end. Business risk for a company will vary based on the optimal debt ratio. Where the business risk is greater, it could be said that investors fell less secure.


On the other hand, where the company has a better stable input revenue stream, and where a lower optimal debt ratio is maintained then the investors would be able to meet responsibilities for capital structuring. As an example here, take the tax exposure element, which is both a firm level factor and also a macroeconomic factor as tax rules are made in the macroeconomic detailing of the country. Here the debt payments are tax deductible and the company tax rate would be higher or lower based on the form of debt payments that arise from income in taxes.