





The IAT test that I took is to understand the bias that I might have with respect to fat versus thin people. The site where I took the test indicates that the test is a measure of the associations between concepts such as why we think fat is better or thin is better. My IAT score indicates a slightly higher preference for fat people versus thin people. The test result reads “Automatic preference for Fat People over Thin People”. Now I believe these results could be right because I would categorize myself even explicitly as someone who might not have an issue with putting on weight and if someone was considered to be slightly fat compared to the accepted norms, I would still consider them as healthy. I think this understanding is because of attachment theory. My primary caregiver was my mother, and although she was a fit person, she was not exactly thin either. Therefore, my automatic preferences could have been formed during that time. However, I also believe that I do not automatically categorize people who are slightly fat as being healthy and nor do I endorse anybody to be fat or thin. It is their personal choice really, and in spite of my attachment theory, I would still think it is wise for people to keep in good health and fitness. This is reflected in my score, as my score indicates slight automatic preference, not a strong automatic preference. Thus, this shows that despite there being an impact bias, I am able to work against the bias by reasoning.

Poehlman et al. (2009) in a Meta analytic study were able to find out that there was a high amount of predictive validity associated with using the IAT to understand behavior and bias. Authors still contend that this cannot be taken to mean IAT is accurate in measuring implicit bias. Accurate way of assessing implicit attitudes (there is research on both sides) AND how you believe implicit attitudes can impact behaviors. An empirical study with IAT where differential association of two target concepts with attributes was measured indicated that there was a differential association in the case of near-universal evaluative differences, such as a flower vs. insect. There were some expected individual differences based on race and finally, there were some consciously disavowed evaluative differences based on racial prejudice (Greenwald et al., 1998). With so many elements having an impact on IAT, it could be said that the test has to be moderated or calibrated for person, country, race and many more background characteristics. This is not thoroughly captured in the IAT and hence, the test by itself could be lacking.