





For Marxist theory of economy, the utilization of labour power ends up becoming a commodity within capitalism. The value of labour power for exchange, as provided with reflection within the wage, is less in comparison with the value under production for the capitalist economy. This difference of value, as argued in Marxist theory consists of surplus value, which is to be accumulated and extracted by capitalists (Canterbery, 1995). The key argument can be placed that the mode of production in capitalist economy can be distinguished by how there is extraction of surplus by the owners of capital from the key work. All previous class based societies consider the extraction of surplus labour, but capitalism had been new in order to do so via the value of commodities produced for the initiation of sales. It has been argued that the core requirement of a society of capitalism is that a large share of population should not have a possession of sources related to self- sustenance allowing them some independence, and instead has to be compelled, for surviving and for selling their labour skills for earning wages (Dowd, 2004).

First of all, it is important to note that commodity is an external object. This object, by its qualities, helps in satisfying any kinds of needs of human. A number of economists and even a number of historians currently hold the tendency of equating capitalist economy with the markets and solely by markets. For them, capitalism can be considered as a system underlying natural forces such as demand and supply that hold the tendency of equilibrium.As identified in this essay, Marxist theory considers capitalist economy as the economic system in which there is ownership and management of these productions by private institutions and individuals (Fusfeld, 2002). Also, it can be referred to as economic individualism in which the individuals are the ones to take the decision on how much and what to distribute and produce.