


在交换软件的前景中,特别是对消费者协议的实际意义的确定至关重要。执行消费者的意愿和要求,包括在客户协议(波斯特,1993)。最终,消费者或客户的高度一致的变化,从他们的标准,以及人的人。实际水平取决于客户或消费者的要求和必需品(王,陈,与陈,2012)的成就。据王,陈,与陈(2012),有几个漂砾可交感神经计算顾客满意度或协议以及非常有帮助。有一些迹象表明,如消费者,消费者维修响应,和不断上升的市场,和酒店强调创造顾客满意的服务和技能(佩雷拉-莫林娜,克拉弗-Cortés,莫丽娜亚-Azorín,和José Tarí,2012)。作为一个经理,对酒店的管理,这是非常非常重要的工作,越来越多的客户或消费者的协议,是目前在希尔顿酒店(Hokey 和 Hyesung,1997)。这取决于消费者的回答,实际上是由于实际情况的扩大,任何行业。如果客户对酒店提供的服务和能力很满意,他们绝对有利于希尔顿大酒店(黄和昌,2003)。塔利班等人2012提到希尔顿酒店都非常吸引在执行质量计划提供的质量范畴的意义报警视图服务,因为它分配他们降低费用和提高他们的工作效率,更是加重了开发运行环境,规范服务介绍。


In the outlook of swapping software, it is especially much essential to identify with the practical meaning of consumer agreement. The execution of consumer wishes and requires are consisted in customer agreement (Post, 1993). Eventually, the altitude of consumer or customer agreement changes from their standards as well as people to people. The level actually depends upon the achievement of the requirements and necessities of the customer or consumer (Wang, Chen, & Chen, 2012). According to Wang, Chen, & Chen (2012), there are several erratics which can be sympathetic to calculate customer satisfaction or agreement as well as awfully  helpful. There are some indications, such as responses of the consumer, consumer maintenance, and rising market, and the hotel is highlighting on creating their customer pleased with such services and skills (Pereira-Moliner, Claver-Cortés, Molina-Azorín, & José Tarí, 2012). As an executive, for the hotel management, it is extremely much essential to work on getting more and more customer or consumer agreement that is present in Hilton hotels (Hokey and Hyesung, 1997).  It depends on the reply of consumers and actually done due to reality that enlargement of any industry solely. They will absolutely favor Hilton hotel yet again, if clients are well pleased with the services and competence supplied by a hotel (Hwang and Chang, 2003). Talib et. al. 2012 mentioned  that Hilton hotels are very attracted in executing quality schemes to offer services in view of alert of the significance of the category of quality, because it allocates them to decrease expenses and increase efficiency of their workers, they are more aggravated to develop their running surroundings, regulate the service presented.