


大约15年前,Menger(1999)发表了一篇有关艺术领域劳动力市场和职业的文章。本研究报告提出了一个有趣的方面,即同时在艺术领域就业和失业的增加和减少。进入艺术领域的障碍已经导致艺术家供不应求。根据Alper和Wassall(2006)的观点,这一领域也表现出自主诱惑和自由,使得有抱负的艺术家不断忽视该领域的风险以及成功的可能性(Bridgstock,2011)。这种不确定性对Anita Dawson来说也是一个挑战,但她通过在工作中获得一致的学习和掌握几项工作让她能够竞争,发展和保持更强大的工作来管理该领域的不确定性,包括高失业率和低就业率社会网络通过多次转介来保持机会并获得工作机会(Brown et al,2012)。



Approximately 15 years ago, Menger (1999), developed an article on the labor markets and careers related to artistic field. An interesting aspect was raised in this research paper regarding the increase and decrease of both employment and unemployment in the artistic field in a simultaneous manner. Low barriers to entry into the artistic field have led towards artists over supply. The field according to Alper and Wassall (2006) is also such that it demonstrates autonomous lure and freedom making aspiring artists consistently often ignore risks in the field and also the chances to succeed (Bridgstock, 2011). This uncertainty was a challenge for Anita Dawson as well but she managed the uncertainty in the field inclusive of higher unemployment rates and low employment, by gaining consistent learning when on job and stretching work by holding several jobs allowing her to compete, develop and maintain stronger networks in the society for keeping opportunities abreast and securing jobs by several referrals (Brown et al, 2012).

Contingency and uncertainty are two prominent challenges which Anita Dawson had to face throughout her career but both have been managed by her through focus on symbolizing her work to develop reputation, her artistic existence and by adding value which others can see. Recent studies such as those performed by Bridgstock (2013) have confirmed that artists have the will to move throughout sectors and do not view working externally to the sector of artistic commercialization as a distinction badge (Bridgstock, 2013). Anita Dawson has also faced the problem of specialization and generalization which is evident from the two degrees she possesses, BFA and MFA. In order to specialize, Anita had to specialize in the field even though the scarcity of resources were her major barriers.