






Frank taunted Andrew and Andrew retaliated by attacking Frank. As a response Frank attacked him back causing Andrew to be killed. In this premise, Frank was bleeding when he attacked Andrew. Many of the case laws explain the notions of provocation. It could be argued that Frank was under extreme provocation. These might lead to the jury to acquit Frank of killing Andrew and convict him under manslaughter. This will be considered on a case by case ordinary person clause. The second factor is the common law element of excessive self-defense.

The jury needs to be convinced that Frank assumed Andrew to cause him more physical assault. Ultimately, the case falls upon the mind state of Frank. His actions need to be warranted. His state of mind and the reason for his particular action of killing Andrew needs to be determined in detail. The Jury could make a case that would favour Frank. To conclude, Frank needs to prove his state of mind to the jury in order to make a case determination. It would depend on how Frank is able to prove to the jury that his actions were not premediated and the exact causal effect to gain a reduced sentence or even acquittal.