


组织压力对工作场所的生产效率和激励措施有很大的影响。当面对日益增长的需求时,员工们会面临工作负荷和其他情绪和身体疾病的担忧。此外,研究还发现,随着时间的推移,焦虑和压力水平会导致动机行为的恶化(兄弟idge & Grandey, 2002)。研究工作如Gaines & Jermier(1983)和McDonald & Rosin(1993)认为,随着时间的推移,压力会导致员工认为他们工作的管理是不关心的。现在,除了员工所感受到的压力的物理因素外,他们还会相信长期的压力会导致更大的压力负荷。


当压力的第一个信号没有被识别出来时,就会产生累积的压力,随着时间的推移,会导致更严重的问题(Carver & Scheier, 2012)。从基本的磨损问题,它可能升级到冲突问题,然后关闭业务本身。确定工作场所中压力影响的形式是帮助压力管理的必要步骤(Connor, 2005),这篇文献综述的目的是确定工作场所压力的不同影响。现在,为了识别不同形式的压力和影响,这项工作试图包括压力影响的许多不同,例如组织和压力水平的形式,个人对如何应对压力的影响,工作场所的文化和压力等。


Organizational stress has a strong effect on the production efficiency and motivational practices of the workplace. When facing increasing demands, employees are observed to have faced worries of workloads and other emotional and physical ailments. In addition, it is also observed that the worries and stress levels over time lead to deterioration of motivational practices (Brotheridge & Grandey, 2002).Research works such as Gaines & Jermier (1983) and McDonald & Rosin (1993) argue that stress over time could lead to the situation where employees might perceive the management they work as being uncaring. Now, in addition to the physical elements of stress that an employee feels, they would also believe that cumulative effects of stress over time could result in an even detrimental stress load.

When the first sign of stress is not identified, there could be a cumulative effect of increased stress and with time, it leads to even worse issues (Carver & Scheier, 2012). From basic attrition issues, it could escalate to conflict issues and then the closure of the business itself. Identifying the forms of stress impact in the workplace is a necessary step to assist in stress management (Connor, 2005)The purpose of this literature review is to identify the different impacts of stress in the workplace. Now, to identify different forms of stress and impact, this work attempts to include many differences in stress impact, such as the form of organization and stress levels, the individual impact on how they tackle stress, the workplace culture and stress, etc.