




一个有效和成功的管理者不仅意识到激励是激励员工的一个重要途径,而且还要注意激励员工在不同的个人基础上。根据Edgar D(2009)的观点,我认为由于不同的人有不同的背景和人生经历,这就意味着激励不同的员工必须采用不同的激励方式。一个成功的管理者不仅知道如何激励员工,鼓励他们做好自己的工作,也知道如何准确地激励员工。针对不同员工采用不同的激励方式,可以有效地激励员工。员工培训可以提高员工的工作技能,知识和能力。这也使得员工和组织习惯于适应市场变化,增强市场竞争力。


Motivation is a theory which can be used to explain and describe behavior. Motivation stands for behaviors, actions, desires and thoughts of people. In any commercial organization, the most important resource for the organization is the people working for the company. Motivation is an important responsibilities and functions for managers to encourage staff (Tabassi, Ramli & Bakar, 2012, pp. 213-224). Motivation can ensure staff look forward to the coming work and have more confidences to do their work. Based on Brain’s opinion, motivation is an effective human resource method to manage staff. Staff can be encouraged and have more motivation to do things.

An effective and successful manager not only realizes that motivation is a significant way to encourage staff, but also they will pay attention to motivate staff in different individual basis. According to Edgar D (2009) viewpoint, I think that due to different people has different background and life experience which means motivate different staff has to use different motivation methods. A successful manager not only knowing that motivate staff and encourage them to do their work but also know how to motivate staff accurately. Using different and various motivation methods to aim at different staff can encourage staff effectively. Staff training can enhance staff’s skills, knowledge and ability which is relevant to their work. It also makes the employees and organization habitual to market’s changes and strengthen their market’s competitiveness.