





The Shangri-La Hotel located in Sydney is a hotel included in the international chain of hotels and resorts with the name of, “Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts”. The Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney is a five star luxury hotel which allows the customers in the corresponding market to enjoy a number of premium services of the hotel. The hotel is experiencing decreasing profits in the past eighteen months. This requires the management of the hotel to have a number of revenue management strategies considered to be implemented in the corresponding workplace (Noone, 2011). The process of revenue management defines the activities which are utilised by the organisations across various industries to have increasing rate of total revenue of the organisation based on its business processes and operations.

The process of revenue management is carried out on the basis of the revenue management strategy implemented in the workplace of the corresponding organisation. The revenue management strategy developed for an organisation is based on a number of certain theories. This report focuses on some of these theories which allow us to develop and implement a revenue management strategy for the workplace of the Shangri-La Hotel to ensure the increase in the revenue. The report looks into the critical areas of the Shangri-La Hotel which require the implementation of revenue management activities to face the issue of decreasing profits. There are a number of actions and activities which can be taken by the various departments of the Shangri-La Hotel to manage the financial performance of the hotel. The report mentions some of these actions and activities which could be taken to manage the financial performance of the hotel. The report also includes a number of recommendations to implement the revenue management strategy in the workplace of the Shangri-La Hotel (Noone, 2013).