


大多数专家认为,剧本创作是一个非常具有挑战性的职业,因为它主要充满了许多障碍。新来者努力进入这个行业,但如果他们没有一个潜在的接触在这个行业很难成功(Plunkett, 2008)。然而,在很多情况下,新人在没有接触过该行业的情况下就表现得很强势。这个行业似乎更看重工作的质量。过去的教育是有意义的,但最终的决定因素是写作的质量(Conor, 2014)。为了实现目标,编剧必须经历一个逐步的开发过程,但是对于编剧的选择以及他们的工作角色是如何被准确定义的,并没有强有力的数据支持。公共媒体的宣传让我们对这一部分有了一定的了解,但是数据是不完整的(Taylor and Batty, 2015)。

虽然关于编剧的聘用程序和工作方法的信息很少,但是大量的新人都在努力发展成为一名编剧。富有挑战性的职业层次和创造性的工作角色可能是最吸引他们的方面(Field, 2005)。新来者也被提供给编剧的丰厚报酬所吸引。报酬取决于工作的质量。这也取决于写作是原创的还是受已有作品影响的因素。对于电影、电视、广播和戏剧的每个部分,费用各不相同。这里有一些关于广播剧编剧标准报酬的信息。这是因为在这些情况下,支付的波动取决于许多因素(Yorke, 2013)。然而,电影和电视行业对编剧有固定的标准薪酬。剧情片和其他类型的主流电影的片酬各不相同。


Most of the experts believe that screenwriting is a very challenging career because it is primarily filled with a number of obstacles. The newcomers try hard to make an entry into the industry, but they can hardly succeed if they do not have a potential contact in the industry (Plunkett, 2008). However, there are numerous instances where newcomers asserted himself strongly without having any contact in the industry. The industry seems to give more value to the quality of the work. The past education is given significance, but the ultimate deciding factor is the quality of the writing (Conor, 2014). A screenwriter has to go through a step by step development in order to achieve his goal, but there is no strong data about how exactly the scriptwriters are chosen and how their job roles are exactly defined. The publicity generated by the public media helps us to have some information about this segment, but the data is incomplete (Taylor and Batty, 2015).

Although there is little information about the employment procedure and work methods of screenwriters, a huge number of the newcomers try hard to develop as a screenwriter. The challenging professional hierarchy and the creative job role can be the aspects that attract them most (Field, 2005). The newcomers are also attracted by the lucrative payment package offered to the screenwriters. The payment depends on the quality of the work. It also depends on the factor whether the writing is original or influenced from a work that has already been produced. The payment varies for each of the segment namely the film, television, radio, and theatre. There is a little information about the standard payment for the screenwriters in the radio and theatre. This is because the payment in these cases fluctuates depending on a number of factors (Yorke, 2013).However, the film and the television industry have standard pay rates fixed for the screenwriters. The payment varies for the feature films and other kinds of mainstream films.