


可以产生另一个问题是被动的防御。当一个组织获得,它尝试敌对性质的收购与目标公司的管理往往引发各种防御。有法律问题也加上。另外必须克服目标公司的防御措施,敌意收购还需要面对几个国家的法律公司和联邦性质的法律包括证券的行为,1933年和1934年,威廉姆斯和谢尔曼的行为的行为(费雷拉et al ., 2014)。有针对性的组织,其利益相关者或其相关监管部门可以通过恶意收购者卷入导致造成更多的困难在管理操作导致声称金融或违反证券法或提高反垄断性质的问题。并购:并购,其中一个重要缺陷是有差异。的一个重要原因,有时合并开始分崩离析之前他们被完成是因为存在差异的尝试合并在最初的地方(奥尔巴赫,2013)。

意见分歧或管理风格可能导致导致合作伙伴可能不承认在最前线,结果导致合并的谈判开始分解。这对于其他原因以及可能发生,这是个性差异。个性差异可能导致导致2个合作伙伴可能分道扬镳,即使它可能是有益的相互合作的措施。另一个陷阱涉及法律问题(Cartwright et al .,2014)。法律问题又出现另一个主要障碍,公司合并过程中遇到(Cartwright et al .,2012)。《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》(1890年),组织内。年代已经禁止制定任何类型的实体的业务,这可能会导致公平贸易限制。这是适用于合并的企业的水平。中任意组合的行为进一步描述了贸易限制是不合法的。


Another issue which can arise is reactive defence. When an organization acquires, it attempts a takeover of hostile nature with the management of Target Company often unleashing various defence. There are legal issues also combined with it. Additionally to have to overcome the defensive measures in the target company, hostile bids also need to contend with several laws of State Corporation and laws of federal nature inclusive of the act of Securities, 1933 and 1934, the act of Williams and the Act of Sherman (Ferreira et al., 2014). Targeted organizations, its stakeholders or its associated regulatory authorities can result in causing more difficulties through hostile bidder entangling in administrative actions causing to allege finance or violation of securities law or raise issues of anti-trust nature. Mergers: Within mergers, one of the essential pitfalls is that there are differences. One of the essential reasons that at times mergers start falling apart prior to them being accomplished is because of the differences present between the ones attempting merger in the initial place (Auerbach, 2013).

Opinion based differences or style of management might result in causing partners potentially to fail to acknowledge at the forefront, resulting to cause the negotiation of merger to start breaking down. This can occur for other reasons along with, that is personality differences. Personality differences might result in causing 2 partners potentially to go separate ways, even when it might be beneficial mutually collaborate their measures. Another pitfall involves legal problems (Cartwright et al., 2014). Legal Problems in turn present another key barrier, which companies run into during the process of merger (Cartwright et al., 2012). As the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) passage, organizations within U.S have been forbid to formulate any kind of entity of business, which may result in fair trade restriction. This is applicable to mergers at the level of corporate level. The act further depicts that any combination within trade restraint is as well not legal.