


现实中的电子游戏是由数学代码创造的,游戏中存在着逻辑和系统的语言。电子游戏实际上是一个几何空间系统,按照预先确定的逻辑进行排序。唯象空间与空间目的的多重用途之间存在着联系。这是用空间虚构的术语来探讨的。在许多情况下,人们会认为玩游戏可以简化为一个简单的故事(Howard, 2008)。让游戏变得有趣的因素有很多。即使故事的概念使它变得有趣,它也不仅仅是故事。如果人们想读一个好故事,他们会看电影或读书。人们应该明白有几个组成部分,比如游戏设计,可以让游戏变得有趣。这也是卢德学家提出的基本论点之一。从批判性的角度来看,他们的许多关于游戏的争论都是有意义的(Buckingham and Burn, 2007),然而,人们也需要一些叙事元素来使故事变得有趣。在刺客信条中,空间和游戏玩法之间存在着动态的统一体。在一个画面中,玩家需要奔向一座破旧的建筑,而在另一个画面中,玩家需要对付罪犯(Jenkins, 2004)。有不同的因素添加到故事线,包括空间和虚构的元素的故事。


The video games in reality are created by the mathematical code and there is a logic and systematic language that is found in the game play. The video games are in reality a system of geometrical spaces that are ordered in a predetermined logic. There is a relation between the phenomenological spaces between the single geometric spaces and the multiple uses of the spatial purposes. This is probed in the spatio-fictive term. In many situations the people are found to be assuming that playing games can be reduced to the experience of a simple story (Howard, 2008). There are many factors that make a game play interesting. Even though the notion of a story makes it interesting it is not only the stories. People would watch movies or read books if they want to read a good story. The people should understand there are several components such as the game design that makes a game interesting. This is also one of the fundamental arguments that have been made by the ludologists. From a critical perspective many of their arguments related to game play make a lot of sense (Buckingham and Burn, 2007) However, there is also a need for the people to have narrative elements to make the story interesting. In the Assassins creed there is a dynamic continuum between the space and the game play. In one frame the player need to run towards a dilapidated building and in the next need to handle criminals (Jenkins, 2004). There are different factors added to the story line that encompasses the space and the fictional element of the story.