

论文辅导-澳大利亚的土著居民。土著人被认为是在欧洲人到来之前在澳大利亚居住了许多世纪的土著人。詹姆斯·库克在1770年发现了澳大利亚,并宣布其为英国国王乔治二世的财产(布鲁姆,2010)。1788年,欧洲侵略者大举入侵并占领了这片土地。原住民在入侵后一直受到围攻(Broome, 2010)。随着新的入侵者的到来,出现了一系列新的疾病,这导致了人口的大量死亡。在此期间发生了许多事件。被认为是从1952年到1965年的时间。

Aboriginal people are considered to be the native people dwelling in Australia for many centuries prior to advent of Europeans. Lt James Cook in 1770 found Australia and declared it a property of Britain’s King George II (Broome, 2010). In 1788 there was a massive invasion and takeover of the land by the European invaders. Aboriginal people had been beleaguered after the invasion (Broome, 2010). With new invaders came a whole host of new diseases this had lead to the decimation of the population. There were numerous events that had entailed during this time period. The time period that has been considered from1952 to 1965 AD.

In 1963 Yolngu people of Yirrkala asked the government not to set up mining areas in their area of dwelling. Nevertheless this law was enacted and people were forced to live in settlements. The mines had a large deposit of Bauxite and were a considerable source of income for the government. In 1964 Northern Territory Social Welfare Ordinance gave Aboriginal people the same rights as Australian people (Berndt & Berndt 1988), however, large group of Christian Aboriginal people were not included. In 1965 the famous freedom ride was lead by Charles Perkins. It wanted the discriminatory policies against the Aboriginal people to end. In 1965 the government enacted Integration policy. In 1967 there were attempts to clear the contaminated area (Berndt & Berndt 1988). There were numerous efforts made by the subsequent government to restore the land and return the land to the Aboriginal people. The missionary, protection and Assimilation policies enacted by the people are described below.

To conclude, Europeans invaded Australia and displaced the Aboriginal settlements. This had lead to loss of livelihood and traditional cultural establishments in Australia. People were subdued during these times. The time period that was considered in this analysis is between the times of 1952 to 1965. Specific focus was given to the Atomic testing that had taken place in the society. It had caused ramifications to the Aboriginal people often cited as the black dust. Protectionism policy was enacted in order to ensure that there was not loss in lives of the Aboriginal people. Fundamental intention behind this ideology was to ensure that the people were protected during these times. Missions were set up to provide people with alternative dwellings. Assimilation period primary ideology was to enhance the living conditions of the Aboriginal people.

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