


本报告旨在考察性别平等与公司在气候问题上的表现之间的关系。更具体而言,调查了船上女性的存在是否影响公司在碳排放方面的年度表现。我们通过分析两个报告,即Cranfield大学的Ruth博士女性富时委员会报告(2013)和环境跟踪碳排名(2013)来衡量这两个因素的相关性。第一份报告由克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)制作,用于显示职业世界中女性人口的统计数据。这可以保持性别多样性增长或减少的轨迹。后面的报告在温室气体排放水平和透明度水平的基础上对公司进行排名。这份报告为排名较低的公司提供了一个更好的机会来改善他们在气候问题上的政策。

富时报告2013显示,女性在董事会中的代表比例为17%,比前一年的统计数据增长2.3%。 SPSS软件用于实现女性在船上与不同变量之间的相关性(Ruth和Susan,2013)。


This report aims at examining the relation between gender equality and performance of a company on climatic matters. More specifically, it has been investigated that whether the presence of women on board affects the annual performance of the company on carbon emissions. We measure the correlation of the two factors by analyzing two reports, the Dr. Ruth’s Female FTSE Board Report (2013) by Cranfield University, and Environmental Tracking Carbon Rankings (2013). The first report is generated by Cranfield University to show the statistics about women population in professional world. This enables to keep the track of increase or decrease in gender diversity. The later report ranks the company on the basis of level of greenhouse gas emissions and level of transparency. This report provides a better opportunity for the companies with lower ranking to improve their policies on climatic matters.

Gender Equality on Board
The FTSE Report 2013 reveals that the overall percentage of women representation on board is 17% with increase of 2.3% on previous year’s statistics. SPSS software is used to realize the correlation between women on board and different variables (Ruth and Susan, 2013).
Relation between Women on Board and Climatic Matters
The relation between presence of women on board and climatic matters is analyzed in this report by comparing the facts available in in Cranfield’s FTSE Report 2013 and ET Carbon Ranking Report. The ranking of Cranfield’s Report are compared with the EIO rankings. This comparison is made through plotting both ranking in a chart and observing their trend lines. The rankings of these two reports are provided in Appendix (see Table 1).