




Discuss the issues for Starbucks in establishing a new service supply chain in Australia? There is high level of competition in the local markets. The McDonald’s McCafés was offering similar kind of service for lower cost. McCafés was found to cost lesser than the Starbucks drink. They were also similar to the taste of the Starbucks. In this case the company was providing the same services for lesser costs. This became an impediment for the company to sustain in the current markets. The company should expand as they are saturated in terms of sales in the local markets. Issue with Starbucks is that they follow the established protocols in United States for the Australian consumers. There is a growing senior population that the company had overlooked in the past. The senior people in the population are more attuned towards the local brands rather than the foreign brands. The company should have a proposition to attract the consumer base. For this there should be a shift in the value proposition for the products.
the company will not succeed in the local markets unless they change the taste of the products to meet the local consumer preference. Pricing of the product, taste of the product, local companies produce is some of the important factors that the company should change. Apart from this the previous failure has affected the company and there is more competition in the current markets from domestic and international players. These are some of the reasons for the company to face struggle in the local markets. The company should address these challenges if it expects to sustain in the current Australian markets.Brand image issues, supply chain issues, price issues, not delivering to the taste of the current Australian population, assuming the global strategy would work for the local companies are some of the main issues that the company should address. There should be a change in the value proposition for the company to sustain in the current markets. These are the issues that the company would face if it decides to focus on the Australian markets again.