

雖然外國投資流入緩慢,但肯尼亞的外國直接投資近年來有所增加。這一事實反映在肯尼亞的外國直接投資指標上。外國直接投資繼續增長,並在2002-03年達到最高水平。在此期間,肯尼亞和非洲國家的FDI流入佔全球FDI流入的2.5%以上(Onuonga, 2014)。然而,當2011年非洲國家遭受巨大的政治不穩定時,外國直接投資迅速下降。政府處於最糟糕的時期,一些恐怖組織撼動了大多數非洲經濟體。這就是2011年外資流入大幅下降的原因。克,2015)。肯尼亞的外國直接投資政策需要按照世界銀行的報告加以調整,因為該國政治和經濟因素的突然變化正在影響該國的金融增長和外國直接投資條例。然而,考慮到該國的增長潛力,像美國這樣的發達國家對該國的投資作出了重大貢獻。在過去的幾年裡,相當多的美國公司在肯尼亞擴展了他們的業務。

還有許多人計劃在肯尼亞和其他非洲國家一起進一步擴張(NJOROGE, 2015)。公司或外國投資者進入的行業變得比以前更加靈活,以幫助公司隨著市場及其財務因素實現本地化。儘管肯尼亞在國際貿易方面有巨大的潛力,但也存在一些挑戰。政府對外國投資的嚴格規定常常使跨國公司望而卻步。外國公司將計劃在那些商業環境友好的國家投資,但肯尼亞的經濟受到繁忙的法律框架的高度控制。然而,在2000年至2007年,肯尼亞的外國直接投資潛力反映了健康的數字,但腐敗的暴跌抑制了同樣的前景(Brown, 2014)。全球化之後,肯尼亞開始認識到自由貿易和自由化的重要性。對外國直接投資和跨國公司的政府規則已經放寬。肯尼亞政府最近的目標是提高經商的便利性。在此,肯尼亞投資局在2044年的作用值得特別重視(Osamwonyi & Kasimu, 2013)。


Although there has been a sluggish inflow of foreign investments, FDI in Kenya have increased in the recent years. This fact is reflected through the indicators of FDI in Kenya. Rise in FDI kept on increasing and reached its maximum in the year 2002-03. During this period, the FDI inflows in Kenya and African nations accounted for more than 2.5 % of the global inflows (Onuonga, 2014). However, there has been a rapid decline of FDI in 2011 when the African countries suffered from massive political instability. Government was at its worst and some terror outfits shook most of the African economies. This was the reason for a severe fall in foreign inflows during 2011 (Centralbank.go.ke, 2015). The FDI policies of Kenya need to be regulated as reported by the World Bank, as the sudden change of the political and economic factors of the country is affecting the financial growth and the FDI regulations in the country. However, considering the growth potentials of the country, the developed nations like the USA have made significant contributions towards the investment in the country. In the past couple of years, quite a few number of USA companies have expanded their businesses in Kenya.

And there are still many who are planning to expand further in Kenya, alongside other African countries (NJOROGE, 2015). The industry accessing by the company or the foreign investors has become more flexible than before in order to help the companies to get localize with the market and its financial factors.Although Kenya has huge potentialities for international business, there lie some challenges. Strict government regulations with respect to foreign investment have often discouraged multinational corporations. Foreign companies will plan to invest in those countries that have business friendly environment, but Kenyan economy is highly controlled by hectic legal framework. However, in the year 2000 to 2007, the foreign direct investment potential of Kenya reflected healthy figures, but the plummeting of corruption dampened the prospects of the same (Brown, 2014). Following globalisation, Kenya has started recognising the importance of free trade and liberalisation. The government rules for FDI and MNCs have been relaxed. Kenyan government has recently aimed at increasing the ease of doing business. Here, the role of Kenya Investment 5 Authority in the year 2044 deserves special importance (Osamwonyi & Kasimu, 2013).