
論文代寫 推薦:印刷術

論文代寫 推薦:印刷術
然而,對於大量的印刷拷貝來說,這種活字印刷效率高,速度快。 “當一種形式給人留下印象的時候,另一種形式的字體也在形成。當一種形式的印刷完成後,另一種形式就準備好了。這樣兩種形式交替出現,印刷速度很快”(Tsien, & Needham, 1987)。木活字與金屬活字:畢昇也是最早使用木活字的人。但這種印刷方式由於存在許多問題而沒有得到廣泛的應用。由於木紋的原因,這項技術被放棄了,木紋在油墨中浸泡後變得不均勻。木活字的製作方法是王震於1298年重新發明的。他是楊朝的官員。他印刷了上百份《景德縣志》。這本書有六萬字。該系統進一步加強了在熔化的銅,錫,青銅和鐵壓制木塊。

論文代寫 推薦:印刷術

The wood blocks were carved with entire text of the page, and then they were inked and pressed on the paper. According to the Buddhist belief, it is said that oldest printed scroll came from north-west China in 700 AD. The hand written copy of the text was stick with the smooth board. The front of the paper was placed facing the board, so that characters could be seen in reverse. These characters were then carved on the board. One of the oldest printed scrolls comes from the Buddhist religious text. This scroll is called as Wong Jei’s scroll; it was prepared with wooden blocks.Ceramic Movable Type: Bi Sheng was the inventor of ceramic movable type in China in 1040 AD. This was the time of Northern Song Dynasty in China. When he wanted to print something, he used to use an iron frame and set it over the iron plate. In this frame the types or seals were closely placed to each other and then were kept near the fire to get heated. After melting, they were used for printing. His method of printing with ceramic was easy and convenient for printing 2-3 copies.
However, for a large number of printing copies, this movable type was highly efficient and quick. “While the impression was being made from the one form, the type was being put in place on the other. When the printing of the one form was finished, the other was then ready. In this way the two forms alternated and the printing was done with great rapidity”(Tsien, & Needham, 1987). Wooden and Metal Movable Type: Bi Sheng was the person who also pioneered the use of wooden movable type. But this kind of printing style was not much used due to many problems. The technique was abandoned due to the wood grains, and wooden type became uneven after getting soaked in the ink. The method of preparing wooden movable type was reinvented by Wang Zhen in the year 1298. He was the government official in the Yang Dynasty. He was credited for printing hundred copies of Records of Jingde County. This book contained sixty thousand characters. This system was further enhanced with wooden blocks pressed in the melted copper, tin, bronze and iron.