
論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利

論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利
本田(Honda)、豐田(Toyota)和日產(Nissan)躋身全球前三大汽車公司之列。經濟學家認為,當時的政府政策有助於促進各種產業的生產。工人的稅率和積極性極高。他們知道,保護他們未來資產的唯一方法就是發展他們現在的產業。當他們成為世界主要品牌的領先製造商時,他們將創造壟斷(Hooper, 2007)。另一個奇蹟是工會、兼職工人和小公司的形式。所有這些因素加在一起有助於提高工業的產量。 1940年,日本的工會是好戰的,不可能與衝突各方進行談判。工人們對工業的現狀並不滿意,但戰後所有這些情況都改變了。像工會工人這樣的政策承諾終身僱傭,以換取發言內容的相關性。工會開始為工人爭取權利,提高工資。在新政策接管並改變戰後形勢之前,只有大公司才被允許成立工會,並為其成員的權利說話。在小公司裡,工人沒有權利為自己的工人說話。
當所有公司的工會開始為工人的工作保障、培訓和工資而工作時,他們開始留住和激勵工人。每個人都開始為公司的發展而努力。工人的留任率提高了,員工的工作也有了保障。兼職工人的增加是因為人們想要改變現狀。福利協會成立,為員工尋找額外的工作(Hooper, 2007)。福利社會也保持了總就業水平的理念,幫助增加了工人的福利。越來越多的人進入了公司的勞動週期,尤其是女性。大公司伴隨著小公司的出現,開始增加絕對優勢的機會。在這種情況下,消費者為購買高價商品而犧牲,這樣他們就能幫助提振經濟。他們為振興國家經濟做出了犧牲,購買了高端產品。無論他們掙多少錢,他們都把錢花在購買產品和服務上。這種奇蹟在其他任何國家都沒有出現,因為許多國家的人民的可支配收入很低;但日本的情況並非如此。今天亞洲人擁有最高的消費水平,因為他們犧牲了目前的存在(王,2000)。

論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利

Honda, Toyota and Nissan are among those top three automobile companies of the world. Economists suggest that policies of the government at that time helped in boosting the production of various industries. Tax rates and motivation level of workers were extremely high. They knew that the only way of protecting their assets for future was to develop their current industries. When they will become the leading manufacturers of the main brands of the world, they will create monopoly (Hooper, 2007). Another miracle lies in the form of labour unions, part time workers and small companies. All these factors when combined together helped in increasing the production of the industries. During 1940, trade unions in Japan were militant and negotiations were not possible with the conflicting parties. Labours were not happy with the current situation of the industries, but after the war all these situations changed. Policies like unionized workers promised for the life time employment in exchange for the relativity of the speaking matter. Trade unions started working for rights of the labours and increase in salaries. Before the new policies took over and changed the situation after war, only big companies were allowed to have trade unions and speak for the rights of their members. In small companies, labours had no rights to speak for the rights of their labours.
When trade unions in all companies started to work for job security, training and salaries of the labours, they started to retain and motivate their workers. Every individual started to work for increasing the development of the company. Retention of the workers increased and employees had job security. Increase in part time workers increased because people wanted to change the current situation. Welfare society started, which was looking out for additional jobs for the employees (Hooper, 2007). Welfare society also maintained the total employment level philosophy and helped in increasing the benefits for the workers. More and more people came in the labour cycle of the company, especially women. Big companies emerged with small companies and started to increase the chances of absolute advantage. Customers sacrificed in this context for buying high priced goods so they can help in boosting their economy. They sacrificed for boosting the economy of the country and bought high end products. Whatever they earned, they spend it for buying the products and services. This type of miracle is not seen in any other country because the disposable income of people in many countries is low; but this was not the situation in Japan. Today Asians have the highest level of spending because they have sacrificed for the current presence (Wang, 2000).