
論文代寫 推薦:工人的工作環境

論文代寫 推薦:工人的工作環境
這些因素在下面詳細解釋。工人是在危險的工作環境中工作。這會影響人們的身體健康。這是在生產非技術性工作特別是明顯。製造業崗位包括從事化工、冶煉行業、建築行業等。公司選擇不給足夠的重視員工的健康和安全,由於新興國家放鬆法。主要缺點和問題outsoaring主要是覺得在非技術工人的行業相比,人口的熟練工人。提高非技術工人一直在上升的國家。國家經濟研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)的研究國際外包(2007)指出,引起了越來越多的非熟練勞動的工廠,這意味著這些工廠的工人沒有一個合適的工作環境工作,這可能會對他們的健康負面影響(和Pavcnik戈德堡,2007)。

論文代寫 推薦:工人的工作環境
這項研究還指出,在一個非正式的工廠工作可能意味著員工不受到勞動法的保護,所以他們的工作環境、勞動和健康保險不提供適當的在許多情況下(和Pavcnik戈德堡,2007 )。在委內瑞拉,有很多地區的火山。沒有防護裝備給工人除了面罩。在現實中,工人的生活掛在前面的火山口火山收集硫、硝石等礦石供應國際產業。長期暴露在這樣的工作條件可能造成不利影響的眼睛,皮膚和呼吸系統。他們不提供醫療或醫療保險(和Pavcnik戈德堡,2007)。在像中國這樣的地方,勞動力在鐵礦石行業工作,工作在一個充滿了灰塵和空氣中的顆粒物是超過2.5。這導致許多工人的健康並發症。

論文代寫 推薦:工人的工作環境

These factors are explained in detail in the following. Workers are made to work in risky work conditions. This affects the physical health of the people. This is esp. pronounced in the manufacturing unskilled jobs. Some of the manufacturing jobs include work in the chemical industry, smelting industry, and construction industry etc. Companies choose to not give enough importance to the health and safety of the workers, due to the relaxed laws in the emerging countries. Key disadvantages and the issues of outsoaring is mainly felt in the unskilled worker’s sectors when compared to the skilled workers of the population. Rise in unskilled workers has been on the rise in the nations. The study of National Bureau of Economic Research (2007) states that international outsourcing has caused increasing numbers of unskilled labors in the factories, which mean that workers of these factories do not have a proper working environment to work, and it may have negative effects on their health (Goldberg, and Pavcnik, 2007).

論文代寫 推薦:工人的工作環境
This research also states that working in an informal factory might means that workers are not protected by labor law, so their working environment, labor and health insurance are not provided properly in many cases (Goldberg, and Pavcnik, 2007). In the case of Venezuela, there are a lot of volcanoes in the region. There is no protective gear given to the worker except a face mask. In reality, the workers are hanging in front of the crater of living volcanoes to collect sulphur, saltpetre and other ore as supplied for the international industries.Being exposed in such working condition for a long period could cause adverse impact on the eyes, skin and respiratory systems. They are not provided with medical or health insurance (Goldberg, and Pavcnik, 2007). In places like China, workforces who work in ore industry are made to work in an area that is full of dust and the particulate matter in the air is more than 2.5. This causes a number of health complications for the workers.