

豐田汽車(Toyota)是2010年加強風險管理系統以應對一系列質量相關問題的領先汽車公司之一。公司一直非常重視質量,因此公司比其他任何組織都更早引入全面質量管理(TQM)。此外,在這個問題上,風險總是得到足夠的重要性,因為它拉著一個組織的成功過程。 2010年6月,該公司在其CSR委員會下成立了一個風險管理委員會。公司招聘風險經理,其職責是預防或消除業務活動過程中出現的全部風險(Crouhy, Galai & Mark, 2014)。公司任命了一位全球首席風險管理官,他的主要職責是建立一個高效的系統,每天對風險進行監控。在給定的案例研究中,我們可以觀察到,儘管豐田採取了所有這些措施,但當發現其車輛存在缺陷時,該公司不得不面對嚴重的後果。

此外,美國國家交通安全管理局(NHTSA)對該公司生產的有缺陷汽車處以1640萬美元的罰款,並因未及時通知缺陷而處以罰款。這對汽車巨頭豐田來說是一種恥辱,公司的形象岌岌可危(Ishikawa & Tsujimoto, 2009)。在這件事上,我們必須記住豐田是日本公司,日本人以其對工藝和質量的痴迷而聞名。由於這個原因,人們對公司的信任將會下降。公司最終失去了聲譽,品牌形象嚴重受損。因此,企業的品牌價值也隨之降低。該公司不得不停止生產,並出售其在美國銷量最高的8款汽車。除此之外,該公司還要在全球召回900多萬輛汽車(Bryson, 2014)。


Toyota is one of the leading automobile companies that have reinforced its risk management system responding a range of quality related issues in 2010. The company always provides great emphasis on its quality, and thus the company introduces Total Quality Management (TQM) much before any other organization. Moreover, in this matter, the risk always gets adequate importance as it pulls the process of the success of an organization. The company set up a risk management council under its CSR committee in June 2010. The company recruits risk managers, whose responsibilities are to prevent or eliminate the entire risks that arise in the procedure of the business activities (Crouhy, Galai & Mark, 2014). The company has appointed a Global Chief Risk Management Officer, and the key responsibility of the officer is to set an efficient system to monitor the risks daily.In the given case study, it is observed that despite all these measurements implemented by Toyota, the company has to face severe consequences when its vehicles are found defective.

Moreover, the National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of US Impose US$ 16.4 million fine for the defective cars produced by the company and for not notifying the defects timely. It is a shame for the auto giant Toyota and the corporate face of the company is at stake (Ishikawa & Tsujimoto, 2009). In this matter, one has to remember that Toyota is the Japanese company, and the nation is recognized by its obsession for craftsmanship and quality. For the reason, the trust for the company among the people is going to drop. The company eventually loses its reputation, and its brand image is damaged significantly. Therefore, the brand value of the enterprise is also reduced. The company has to stop the production as well as selling off its eight top selling cars in the US. Besides this, the company has to recall more than nine million vehicles worldwide (Bryson, 2014).