


1924年,苏联发生了一场巨大的政治权力斗争。1924年1月21日,前布尔什维克党和苏联共产党领导人列宁逝世。1917年以来,列宁统一了共产党,他是决定其政党政策的主要人物。列宁死后,在选择合适的接班人方面出现了问题,正因为如此,党内出现了混乱。党内发生了多次斗争,分裂的可能性相当大,这对共产党来说是一个问题。列宁的死是在一个非常错误的时间发生的,苏联在社会主义道路上面临着一些问题,在党内官僚主义和领导阶层日益壮大的问题。列宁死后,对政权的斗争持续了一年,导致了党内主要领导人和许多其他人物之间的冲突。由于这个问题,许多历史学家把它描述为权力斗争而不是权力斗争。政治局成员的动机是让彼此远离权力,而不是专注于为他们获取权力。在政治权力斗争的开始,托洛茨基被认为是主要的竞争者和约瑟夫斯大林作为一个次要的玩家(Sebag Montefiore, 2004)。

1919年8月29日至1925年1月15日,托洛茨基任红军司令,被认为是布尔什维克最有权势、最重要的领导人。然而,在1925年,约瑟夫·斯大林作为政治权力斗争的唯一领导人出现。所有的历史学家都承认斯大林是1928年唯一的领导人,但最重要的问题是,斯大林是如何成为苏联唯一的领导人的,而他没有机会打败托洛茨基,被许多人视为一个次要的角色。有两种主要的解释主导了关于斯大林的对手的弱点和他的政治技巧之间的关系的辩论(Service, 2005)。许多历史学家认为,斯大林的政治技巧过于苛刻,正如斯大林本人所说:“是的,我对那些粗暴和不忠地试图摧毁共产党的人非常粗暴。”虽然有些历史学家说,斯大林的性格和托洛茨基的软弱没有关系。这些历史学家甚至说,托洛茨基对权力之战根本不感兴趣,最重要的是,他没有战术和才能(Sebag Montefiore, 2004)。


An enormous struggle for political power occurred in the Soviet Union in the year 1924. On 21January 1924, Vladimir Lenin who was the leader of the former Bolshevik Party and Communist Party of the Soviet Union died. Since 1917, Lenin held the party together and he was the main person who used to determine the policies for his party. After the death of Lenin there was a problem with choosing a suitable successor and because of it, there was chaos in the party. There were many fights in the party and chances of the division were quite persistent which would have created a problem for the Communist Party. The death of Lenin occurred at a very wrong time and there were issues that the Soviet Union faced regarding the route toward socialism, the problem of a growing bureaucracy and leadership in the party. The struggle for the political power lasted for the next year after the death of Lenin, which resulted in the conflicts between the main leaders of the party and many other personalities. Because of this problem, many historians described it as a struggle over power instead of struggle for power. The motive of the members of Politburo was to keep each other out of the power instead of focusing on gaining power for them. In the starting of political power struggle, Trotsky was considered as the chief contender and Joseph Stalin as a minor player (Sebag Montefiore, 2004).

From August 29, 1919, to January 15, 1925, when Trotsky was the commander of Red Army, he was considered as the most powerful and important leader of Bolshevik. However, in the year 1925, Joseph Stalin appeared as the sole leader of the political power struggle.All the historians acknowledged Stalin as the sole leader in 1928 but the most important question, which remained, was that how Stalin became the sole leader of the Soviet Union while he had no chances of defeating Trotsky and was regarded as a minor player by many. There were two main interpretations which dominated the debate over the relationship between the weakness of Stalin’s opponent and his political skills (Service, 2005). Many historians believe that the political skills of Stalin were too harsh as Stalin himself stated that “Yes, I am rough, rough on those who roughly and faithlessly try to destroy the Communist Party.” While some of the historians said that, there was no relation between the personality of Stalin and weakness of Trotsky. Those historians even said that Trotsky was not at all interested in the battle for power in the first place and most importantly, he had no tactics and talents (Sebag Montefiore, 2004).