




In comparison with the cellular manufactory, process manufactory can be said to be more rigid as it imposes the process framework (Askin, et al, 1993). However not all processes flow in order, this could introduce a level of complexity in the flow of the system that will reduce efficiency. However using cellular manufactory it is easier as there is still rigidity of process in the cell, but cells themselves may be rearranged in the total flow structure as per needs. Inventory management at all stages will be high in the case of process flow layouts (Ngampak, 2011). This can cause an issue for the company. The company for which the layout is being recommended is a newer company. There will be initial start up costs and more involved, in the case of the process layout it is seen that there is high inventory management costs involved. On the other hand using the cellular layout model inventory management costs are reduced (Brandon, 1996).  Manpower training costs are also reduced. Limited amount of training to ensure working of the cells is more than enough. Top level assembly will only be needed during integration and the lower level details can make use of less skilled workers too. This will help reduce worker compensation based on skills and will make competitive (Swamdimass et al, 2000).