



色彩心理學的作用可以追溯到19世紀早期,約翰·沃爾夫岡·馮·歌德的《色彩理論》。例如,在室內設計中使用紅色可以提供溫暖、親密、激情和力量,而黃色則像徵著創造力和幸福。最近一個影響日常生活、社會和生態環境的例子是美國綠色建築委員會的LEED項目。這幫助了基礎設施行業的轉型,並引導他們實現了環境和社會的可持續性(Mizell, 2009)。綜上所述,我們可以說,日常生活中室內設計的作用是通過創造輕鬆的環境,美化和組織空間,使其更具有功能性,更安全,更健康,達到更高的生活質量(Dauray, 2014)。


The interior design can be defined as establishing the surroundings of people living, working or using the interior space in such a manner that it sustains their aesthetics, functional as well as cultural requirements. The purpose of interior designing is to improve the occupant’s well-being in the interior environment. The three main aims of it include providing protection to occupant’s health, safety, and well-being (HSW). Interior designing for the community also involves the key role of professional to avoid adverse affect on the public. It is said that the learning of interior design could be considered as a mix of business, art and psychology. The interior designs play a vital role in the everyday life of individuals as well as the community. It imparts philological effects on the subconscious of individual. The environment effects occupants’ perceptions and emotions.

The role of color psychology can be traced to early 19th century book called Theory of Colours by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. For example, the use of red color in the interior design offers warmth, intimacy, passion and power, whereas yellow symbolizes creative energy and happiness. The recent example of affecting the everyday life, society and ecological environment is the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program. This has assisted in transforming the infrastructure industry and led them to attain sustainability for environment and society (Mizell, 2009). In summary, we can say that the role of interior design for everyday life aims to attain higher quality of life by creating relaxing environment, beautifying and organizing space and making it more functional, safe, and healthy for everyone (Dauray, 2014).