




The early 60s and 70s were also the time when the so called “Celebrity Moms” (Susan Douglas and Meredith Michaels) “epitomized two ideals that sat in uneasy but fruitful alliance. On the one hand, they exemplified the unbridled materialism and elitism the Reagan era had spawned. On the other, they represented the feminist dream of women being able to have a family and a job outside the home without being branded traitors to true womanhood”. The common mother today refers to the web for consultation on all aspects of parenting. Innumerable reference points existing along with blogs and shared stories of success and failure as also the very trying time all parents and especially mothers go through when their children are in their teens. Like one mother put it, “Social media is my shrink, my coach, my cheerleader, my teacher and sometimes, my crack. I literally can’t imagine motherhood without it; it would be a far lonelier, less fun existence”. For kinds of enquires and haring of experience the media has commonly provided to the women as especially the mothers with a universal forum. It is an open house where the women can share and be tuned into the needs of their children. This sharing is a boon as it enables the women to experience motherhoods twice over. Firstly they experience is first hand when they face certain challenging situations with their children. The second time around is when the individual is reading up on the experiences of hundreds of other mothers in similar situations and in near same circumstances. This not only encourages them to come forward and post their day to day grief and joys knowing full well that they are sharing and helping other people overcome their demons as well.