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论文代写-迈克尔·布劳尔的音频技术创新。20世纪70年代发生的重大发展是迈克尔·布劳尔的作品。基于他的压缩技术,他能够发行许多专辑,并为音乐专辑创造独特的声音。滚石乐队成员独特的声音因迈克尔的作品而生动起来。在这段时间里,增加了受众细分。迈克尔能够创新,并确保向人们呈现一种独特的音乐。很明显,艺术家沙德的作品结合在一起,使得这张专辑获得了评论界的好评。总而言之,由于滚石乐队的名人影响力,这张专辑受到了狂热的追捧,而他的独特才能也被音频工程师曝光。迈克尔·布劳尔(Michael Brauer)是一位独特而有才华的音频工程师,他开创了许多技术。他能够在这个行业中引起一个范式的转变。由于他的创新和技术才华,他在音乐界仍然享有盛誉。这些是从这项工作中得出的一些主要类比。

The fourth album from Coldplay rock band was “Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends” which was released in 2008. Michael Brauer was famous to be a sound mixing engineer who got the Grammy award for this music album of Coldplay. The eclectic mixing style of upbeat rockers and ballads were infused together by Michael Brauer to form single music album. He deliberately used the continental drift theory to form the mixing music album. This theory denotes the love, friendship and emotions. The inner talent of the singer can be notified by the assembly nature and the recording nature of the sound. The tracks are such as “lost”, “lovers in Japan” or “death will never conquer” presented the up-tempo and the rock piece (Schuller, 2013). Michael Brauer had uses various African instruments to help to drive the rhythm and lyrics of the songs. There were smaller ingredients and mixing of songs which can create an unpredictable involvement towards listening. The best part of the songs of this album was that there was the mix use of various emotions.
Due to the invention of the playback technology, the professional recording studios have also improved. And the studio professional found themselves in a transitional phase. As per the record of the musical recording culture and the history of music, it is shown that the concert representations differ from the musical artwork in several respects (Cook, 2010). It is very clearly shown by the stage representation of the Coldplay rock band and the mixing of Michael Brauer.
Brauer sat in the middle of the podium like the aisle 12 or 13. This was how he had created the surround sound. There was the presence of the audience behind. Brauer was found to work in his Quad Studios in New York City. This was to improve the overall ambience on the recordings. The use of the Sony 777 DRE multichannel reverb was done definitely (Teschke et al., 2005). This was to create an impact to bring out all the different sounds. Brauer mixes the stereo sound and the surround sound immediately. This surround sound starts to get really renowned. There was the use of the 5 or 6 dB within the stereo mix. There was the use of the mixture of the different elements that was infused into the song (Paterson, 2016). He was a pioneer in this field of sound mixing. He was able to hear the final production before it was created. There was the use of vision and mental imagery that had played an important role in how the music was constructed. He was in the field for over 50 years and had involved actively in many of the television shows, live sound and in the management of the audio or video studios. He was instrumental in the reshaping of the popular music and influenced the ways in which the music was constructed over the years.

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