

通过本篇论文代写-麦当劳面临市场衰落的原因分析可以看出,从第一天开始,麦当劳就一直是一个重要的商业网点,一直为人们提供高效的服务。这个特定公司的操作系统,或者更确切地说是公司使用的模型,作为一个重要的操作系统,总是鼓励公司获得利润,但今天的公司面临着市场的衰落(Sumaedi和Yarmen, 2015)。如今,麦当劳发现不仅要给顾客留下深刻印象,还要给员工留下深刻印象是非常困难的。该公司在郊区也面临着障碍或问题,之前所遵循的旧模式也面临着大量的失败(Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan和Subramani, 2015)。组织正面临许多原因和许多不同类型的失败,其中论文代写-麦当劳面临市场衰落的原因分析如下:

The service quality and the quality of the food that are offered to the customers are not at all satisfying for them. People visit the McDonalds stores mainly to satiate their desire of putting off their hunger and to have some good food. According to critics, both these desires of the customers are not met and the main reason behind this is the complicated or rather the complex menu that is provided by the firm or the organization (Raju, Singh and Tariyal, 2015). In addition, scholars are of the opinion that the McDonalds menu has experienced significant growth in the past few years. If one goes by the figures, then it can be said that from around 85 items in the year 2007, there were around 121 items in the year 2011 (Sumaedi and Yarmen, 2015). Hence, it has been noted that there has been a significant growth of around 42.4%. Scholars and the experts are of the opinion that this particular growth has not only turned out as something that is complex not only for the customers, but also for the crew, which is why they could not provide that particular service to the people that is required (Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan and Subramani, 2015).
McDonalds could not cater to the need and the desire of the customers
According to Raju, Singh and Tariyal (2015), and even the top management of the organization agrees to the fact that the demand of the customers in the organization is ever changing. They want everything, they want fresh and healthy food, vegetables and they want the gluten free food. At the same time, they want “hold the mayo” food as well. Therefore, the organization has to go through continuous innovation and this is something that is not possible all the time. Moreover, the management of the organization is of the opinion that often catering to the needs of the customers increase the wait time for the customers. The result is that the firm has gone against their policy and the strategy intent of providing fast and speedy services to the customers who are there (Yunus et al., 2013).

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