

這是醫療條件差的主要原因之一。醫生最不關心病人的健康,更關心自己的經濟利益。此外,中國醫療保健的改善率普遍較低(Tang & Bloom, 2000)。許多衛生保健系統並沒有隨著時間的推移而得到顯著改善。雖然世界上大部分地區的醫療保健設施隨著時間的推移得到了改善,但長期來看沒有顯著的改善。有許多指標表明中國衛生部門的效率水平較低(Roberts et al, 2008)。人們發現這張床的使用率較低。衛生工作人員的生產力也較低。據觀察,在中國的醫院裡病人很少。根據經濟合作與發展組織(Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development,簡稱oecd)的既定市場經濟學,平均水平接近80% (Yip et al, 2008)。
隨著生產力的降低,衛生工作人員的比例也會降低。產能利用率低的主要原因是成本高、效率低。另一個相同的因素是較低的生產力水平,這也導致越來越多的停滯不前。從20世紀80年代開始,觀察到醫療服務提供者的數量有所增加,但病例量有所減少(Wang et al, 2004)。負擔能力和差距是導致中國衛生部門崛起的另一個因素。由於巨大的成本,大多數的貧困和中產階級家庭無法負擔在中國。相比之下,他們發現美國的治療方法要便宜得多(Li & Song等,2002)。為醫療保健制定的政策影響有限是造成這種情況的另一個原因。從2000年開始,政府已經制定了針對窮人和中產階級的價格優惠政策。


This is one of the major reasons for the poor healthcare. The doctors are least concerned for the health of the person and care more about their own monetary benefits. Morever, the rate of improvement of healthcare in China is generally poor (Tang & Bloom, 2000). There are many health care systems which have not observed a considerable improvement over time. While the healthcare facilities in most of the parts of the world have been improved over time, but there are no significant improvements overtime. There are a number of indicators which suggest the lower efficiency levels in the health sector of China (Roberts et al, 2008). The occupancy rates of the bed have been found to be lower. The productivity of health staff is also found to be lower. It has been observed that there are very few patients in the hospitals in China. According to the established market economics of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, the average is close to 80% (Yip et al, 2008).
There will be a lower rate of health staff with the lower rate of productivity. The primary reason for the lower utilization of the capacity rates is high costs and less efficiency. Another factor for the same is the lower levels of productivity which also leads to more and more stagnancy. From 1980’s, it has been observed that that there is an increase in the number of medical providers, but there is a decrease in the caseload (Wang et al, 2004).Affordability and disparity is another factor which has led to the rise in the health sector of China. Because of the huge costs, most of the poor and middle class families are unable to afford in China. In comparison to this, they find the treatment in USA much cheaper (Li & Song et al, 2002).Limited impact of the policies made for the health care is another reason for the same. From 2000, the government has made the policies implement price discounts for the poor and middle class people.