

不同的領導屬性可以在如何識別法倫帶領他的公司。首先,領導可以稱為轉型。變革型領導是導致個體的變化(Rouche et al .,2014)。它創建一個積極的改變員工,幫助他們改變一個更好的事業或在組織中的位置(低音,1985;貝斯,1999)。它幫助員工專注於最終目標,最後對未來的展望(低音和,2006;貝斯,1991)。法倫可以稱為變革型領導者,因為他帶來的變化實現手勢空間通常結果與員工在混亂的情況下。然而,通過與他們連接在一個非常私人的層面上,他可以激勵他們更好。他使他們看到公司的未來願景,改變了他們努力。在這種背景下,法倫也可以叫一位有遠見的領袖(施特勞斯,2013)。富有遠見的領導是一個領導者可以激勵他的員工致力於一個共同願景(Torpman,2004;阿沃利奧正&加德納,2005)。有遠見的領導者激發員工和員工開始看到工作向更理想意義上的視覺(Unnikrishnan,2016;Almog-Bareket,2012)。

法倫的領導也可以稱為協作的領導。 “嘗試和真正的自上而下的領導模式似乎發展的很像普通員工的工作風格。不再能高管寫電子郵件,點擊發送到公司,並期望改變發生。員工想感受參與公司戰略”( 2015年Pankonien,帕拉。5)。法倫理解這個期望的員工,創造了一個開放的對話。開放通信協議簡化變更管理(Rajdou &您正在,2013)。領導人聯繫更好的與員工(Ansell &裂縫,2008;哈林舞&見鬼,2010)。皮爾森已經現有的協作平台稱為Neo,人們從不同的組織結構可以連接。法倫提振了使用戰略平台,可以連接到員工,端到端,能夠直接徵求他們的意見。法倫說,使用公司的員工協作解決方案不僅是一個高效和有效的溝通方式對公司重組還演示了透明度。員工感到積極的經驗,說他們覺得價值包含文化,公司正在朝著(Pankonien,2015)。


Different leadership attributes can be identified in how Fallon led his company. Firstly, the leadership could be called transformational. A transformational leadership is one that causes changes in individuals (Rouche et al., 2014). It creates a positive change in employees and helps them transform to a better cause or position in the organization (Bass, 1985; Bass, 1999). It helps employees focus on end objectives and the end vision for a future (Bass and Riggio, 2006; Bass, 1991). Fallon could be called a transformational leader because he brought in change for implementing a GES space which usually results in chaotic situations with employees. However, by connecting with them on a very personal level, he could motivate them better. He enabled them to see the future vision of the company and transformed them to working towards that. In this context, Fallon could also be called a visionary leader (Strauss, 2013). A visionary leadership is a leader who can motivate his employees to work towards a shared vision (Torpman, 2004; Avolio & Gardner, 2005). The visionary leader inspires the employees and the employees begin to see the work towards the vision in a more ideal sense (Unnikrishnan, 2016; Almog-Bareket, 2012).

The leadership of Fallon can also be called as collaborative leadership. “The tried and true top-down leadership model seems to be evolving much like the work styles of the average employee. No longer can executives write up an email, click send to the company and expect change to happen. Employees want to feel engaged in company strategy” (Pankonien, 2015, para. 5). Fallon understands this expectation of employees and created an open dialogue. Open communication protocols make change management easier (Rajdou & Prabhu, 2013). Leaders connect better with their employees (Ansell & Gash, 2008; Hallinger & Heck, 2010). Pearson had an existing collaboration platform called Neo, where people from different ends of the organizational structure can connect on. Fallon boosted the use strategy for the platform and could connect to employees, end to end and was able to directly solicit their opinions. Fallon says that using the company’s employee collaboration solution was not only an efficient and effective way to communicate about the company restructuring but also demonstrated transparency. Employees felt positive about the experience and stated that they felt valued by the inclusion culture that the company was moving towards (Pankonien, 2015).