

基本藥物的概念是世界衛生組織(世衛組織)在1977年提出的。這些藥物是用來滿足世界人口對衛生保健的優先需要的。基本藥物的選擇基於它們與公共衛生的相關性、相對成本效益和安全性和有效性的確認(Pecoul, Chirac, Chirac, and Pinel, 1999, p.63)。必須指出的是,預期在保健系統正常運作的範圍內,每次都將以適當的數量和適當的劑量提供基本藥物。藥品的質量必須得到保證,必須提供足夠的信息,提供合理的價格,使個人和社區能夠負擔得起。這篇文章主要討論的是與製藥公司有關的問題,即他們不應該承擔解決世界三分之一以上人口的基本藥物短缺問題的責任,而政府應該對此負責。


獲得基本藥物的現狀。全世界人民的主要目標是容易獲得基本藥物。在容易獲得基本藥物方面的不公平現象僅僅反映了各國實行的衛生系統和藥物政策的不足和無效。世衛組織已考慮有效獲得基本藥物,這是2000-2003年戰略文件中嚴重和優先的衛生問題。 1975年估計,在此期間,只有不到一半的人口能夠定期獲得基本藥物(牛頓、格林和費爾南德斯,2010年,第99頁)。根據1999年的《世界藥物調查》,基本藥物獲取的差異已降至約三分之一。沒有基本藥物可輕易獲得的絕對人數沒有變化。在正確的時間為正確的人提供正確的藥物,成為全世界面臨的主要挑戰。


The concept of essential medicines was introduced by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1977. These medicines are those that are used for satisfying the priority heath care needs of the world’s population. The essential medicines are selected on the basis of their relevance with public health, comparative cost-effectiveness and confirmation related to safety and efficacy (Pecoul, Chirac, Trouiller, and Pinel, 1999, p.63). It must be noted that essential medicines are anticipated to be available within the perspective of functioning health systems every time in appropriate amounts and in suitable dosage. The quality of the medicines must be assured and adequate information must be provided with reasonable price which are affordable for an individual and community. This essay focuses on discussing the issues related to the pharmaceutical companies that they should not assume responsibilities for solving the problem related to the shortage of essential medications for over one third of the world’s population instead government should be held responsible for the same.

Present situation of access to essential medicines.The main objective of people all over the world is to have easy access to essential medicines. Inequities in the easy access to the essential medicines simply reflect the inadequacy and ineffectiveness of the health systems and medicines policy followed in various countries. WHO has considered effective access to the essential medicines, which is a serious and priority health issue in the strategy document in 2000-2003. It was estimated in 1975 that during that time less than half population had regular access to the essential medicines (Newton, Green, and Fernández, 2010, p.99). According to the World Medicines Survey in 1999, it showed that this variation in access of essential medicines had fallen to about one-third. Still no change was recorded in the absolute number of people without the easy access of the essential medicines. It became the major challenge all over the world to provide the right medicines to the right people at the right time.