


As mentioned in the first chapter, the entire research has been descriptive in nature covering thematic descriptions for depicting the impact of audit system in China on foreign investment and reducing energy consumption. In order to conduct this research, there was an availability of several different research methodologies. There are four different categories of research methodology that could have been used for conducting the research. These are qualitative, quantitative, regression or correlation analysis, and meta- analysis research methodology.
The qualitative research methodology involves the description of certain situation in the use of research tools such as observations, surveys, and interviews. Primarily, this type of research is identified as exploratory that is used for gaining an understanding about the underlying motivations, opinions and reasons. It helps in providing insights related to the issues or assists in the development of hypotheses or ideas for the potential research (Durakbasa 2012). It is also utilized for uncovering trends in opinions and thoughts, diving deeper to explore and discover the problem. The methods of collecting qualitative data different by the use of semi- structured or unstructured techniques. Certain common methods are inclusive of focus groups, observations and individual interviews.
Further ahead, the quantitative research method involves statistical and numerical explanations. Quantitative research methodology is utilized for quantifying the issue by the way to generate data or numerical data, the transformation of which is done in useable statistics. This methodology is used for quantifying behaviours, opinions, attitudes and other variables that have been well defined, in which results are generalized from a larger population of sample (Durakbasa 2012). Quantitative research involves the utilization of measurable data for formulating facts and uncovering patterns within the research. The methods for collection of quantitative data are highly structured in comparison with methods for collection of qualitative data. The methods for collection of quantitative data include several different types of surveys such as telephonic interviews, face- to- face interviews, kiosk surveys and mobile surveys, paper surveys, and online surveys, and systematic observations (Durakbasa 2012).
The research methodology of regression or correlation analysis involves the determination of strength related to the relationship between two or many variables. Finally, the research methodology of meta- analysis is useful to find out the average effect of various different research studies in accordance with a hypothesis (Durakbasa 2012).

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