


The International English Language Testing System is a homogeneous test system that is used to measure the language proficiency of the people who want to work or study where English is the main medium of communication. These IELTS tests are designed in order to estimate about the speaking writing, listening and reading ability of the students in the English language. Many of the universities use this grading scale to understand about the proficiency level of English of the students.This is to estimate how they would adapt to the foreign country which has predominately a different language (Manara, 2014). These language skills estimation are done not only to understand about the student’s proficiency academically but would also estimate how they would adapt to the newer situation. In this there is a 9 band scale referencing system. The proficiency of the speakers is rated on a scale between one to 9. Where scoring a 9 means that the particular individual has enhanced proficiency skills of the language used.

The studies have tried to estimate the validity of the IELTS. In Predictive validity is usually analyzed in the case of IELTS. Predictive validity of IELTS is the real impact it causes on the test measures in the case of test behaviors. Predictive validity is standard format of predicting how the individual would perform in a newer environment. For example, if an individual performs well in mathematics. It would mean that they would have the ability to perform well in an engineering background (Manara, 2014). These tests results predict and serve as markers as to how the individual would perform in a particular field. Empirical researchers predict how the individuals would perform in a particular environment based on these results. This is a theoretical and structured analysis of the impact that the individuals would cause in the society. IELTS are conducted for the international students to see how they would sustain in a newer environment.
IELTS tests are considered in order to measure the academic success or the social adjustment of the students from an international background. In the case of IELTS, there is test for the writing, speaking and listening ability in the English language. Each kind of testing is used to analyze the impact it would cause on the student. This validity and the impact of the IELTS needs to be analyzed from different context. Hence the predictive validity according to the universities is that if an individual performs well in the tests, they would automatically sustain in the academic field and sustain in the new classroom environment. This assumption is made to predict how the student would understand the subject based on the language and how they would cope in the new environment. Generally, a higher band score is assumed to be a better indicator as to the student’s coping skills and their ability to understand the language.

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