


由于记忆的稀缺性,艾尔斯的性格没有能力理解母亲的流散和跨民族身份(洪晋,2011)。当他的母亲来到澳大利亚时,她在中国获得的归属感已经消失了,但是他的儿子却不能理解这一点。她一直渴望她的祖国,因为她并不觉得它和她自己有什么不同。在寻找归属感的过程中,她继续和儿子在澳大利亚过着压抑的生活,没有人理解她这种感觉背后的原因,也没有人理解她这种局外人的感觉。从此,这部电影以最好的方式描述了社会归属感和局外人的行为。在形成移徙者个人的文化和家庭关系方面,争取归属感的斗争是相当大的。这种想法出现在彼得·斯克日涅基(Peter Skrzynecki)、费利克斯·斯克日科夫斯(Feliks skrzynecsi)的两首诗中,以及古琳达·查达(Gurinda Chadha)执导的电影《像贝克汉姆一样弯曲》(Bend it like Beckham, Annett et al. 2009)中。很明显,迟早每个人都要为生活中的某件事或另一件事而奋斗。
然而,这些文本和电影中所呈现的少数民族由于他们的家庭关系和血统而处于强势的挣扎之中,对文化有着巨大的影响。家庭归属感的挣扎可以通过共同的经历来克服。这一点在费利克斯skrzyecki中表现得很明显,彼得移民到澳大利亚后与父亲失去了联系(Bisin et al. 2016)。诗人的孤立在这句话中被描绘出来,他的手剧烈地颤抖着,用视觉形象来说明他无法与他的朋友和父亲联系。非人称代词在第三节中使用,被称为they,意思是把费利克斯和父亲的文化遗产一起排除在外。然而,post two stanzas Peter通过与百货商店店员的偶遇,将与父亲的归属感归档(Silva 2009)。店员问他父亲是否想学英语。这位职员扮演了一个缩影的角色,展示了一个不受欢迎的社会,他的父亲和他都在努力适应这个社会。分享自然的经验有助于建立关系。这表明一个连接是容易的,其中的经验是共享性质。


Due to the scarcity in memory, the character of Ayers does not have the ability of understanding the identity of diasporic and transnationality of his mother (Hongjin 2011). The sense of belonging which his mother had obtained in China was missing when she came to Australia, but this could not be understood by his son. She had a constant desire for her homeland as it did not feel to her as different to herself. In her search for sense of belonging, she continues to live a depressing life in Australia with his son without anyone understanding the reason behind her feelings or her sense of outsider feeling. Henceforth, the film depicted social belonging and outsider behaviour in the best possible manner. The struggle for the sense of belonging is considerable in shaping the cultural and family relations of migrant individuals. This idea is present in the two poems of Peter Skrzynecki, Feliks Skrzynecksi along with the movie directed by Gurinda Chadha named Bend it like Beckham (Annett et al. 2009). It is evident that sooner or later every individual has to struggle for something or the other in the life.
However, the minorities presented in these texts and movies are forcefully struggling because of their family ties and ancestry and there is great influence to the culture. Struggle in sense of belonging finding in family can be overcome through shared experiences. This is clearly present in the Feliks skrzyecki wherein Peter losses the connection with his father after migrating to Australia (Bisin et al. 2016). The isolation of the poet is depicted in the quote conveying hands shaking very violently, visual image is employed to illustrate the fact that he is unable to connect with his friends and father. The impersonal pronoun is utilized in the third stanza termed they for exclusion of Feliks from the father along with the cultural heritage belonging to the father. However, post two stanzas Peter archives the belonging sense with his father though experiencing an encounter with the clerk at departmental store (Silva 2009). The clerk had asked if his father attempted to learn English. The clerk played a role of microcosm to showcase a society that is unwelcoming wherein both his father and he are struggling to fit. The experience of shared nature assisted in relationship building. This presents that a connection is easily made wherein the experience is of sharing nature.