


Previously in many countries, females are treated as the slaves and males are the only decision maker of the family as well as the society. The tradition is changing, and the Government of many countries is focusing towards the initiatives that support the women empowerment. In the article Doing Gender, the researchers confute the socially supported structure of gender and give priority to the complicated relations exist between the physical as well as social features. The article claimed that it is a social interaction and activities of a person that defines the actual masculine and feminine category (West and Zimmerman, 1987). The belief that men are characterized by dominant nature and female with submissive type is not true at all. There are several examples from the corporate world that female is working in a senior position and they are controlling the male employees. Therefore, in this example, it is true that particular female has leadership quality, and for that, she is leading the team. Thus portraying a male with dominant nature or female with submissive nature does not stand true.The researchers argued that gender is not a role or traits that a person has, but it is the performance or doing nature of the person that defines the gender. Thus the term sex only defines the criteria fixed by the biological features and sex category is the assertion of the person’s masculinity and feminine characteristics. Gender is not the stereotyping role as prescribed by the traditional beliefs rather it is the engagement of a person in the form of his/her behaviour.

Human beings are the creation of the God, and the article Black Feminist Thought opposes it. Previously in America, the status of the white and black women was not equal. Sexual victimization was present, and the back women are forced to be victimized. The slavery and working class people are treated differently in those days, and they were from the background of African-American. The article signifies the maltreatment on the Black women due to the status related to the political as well as economical. The marginalization and exclusion of the black women from feminism were the typical norms presented in the society. In the colonial period, the extent of the racism was highly present. Later, the protest of the right to do work in the period before World War 1 segregates the black and white women in the organizational hierarchy. The white women were designated much better position in the organizations. After certain movements, the gap between the black and white was reduced. A few years back, there is an example of a Black woman who became the first lady in the history of the White House, America. She is Michelle Obama, wife of the former President Barack Obama. Thus, there is an instance to prove that women have common nature and they are segregated due to the strong racist activities which are prevalent till now. From the current report, it is observed that the wage gap between the black and white women still exists and it is around 19% (Redden and Kasperkevic, 2016). It is the concerning factor as the researchers mentioned that inequality between the black and white is increasing. The reason behind the slow increase in the salaries of the black women is the low starting salary. As the human brain is concerned, people have the equal capability and polishing their skills can make them more efficient. The race of the women cannot be the determining factor of an institution or society. The Governments are bringing strong laws in the employment regulations in different countries to stop the instances of the discrimination. There are current instances in Canada where the white and black women are discriminated in the organizations with the low structure of pay scale (Leonardo, 2014). The common nature of women can only be determined by the skills and competency that they have but not the race they belong as it is scientifically approved.

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